1.INTRODUO the homeopatia was developed by Samuel Hahnemann, after some clinical studies and experiments, where it synthecized philosophical and doctrinal principles of the homeopatia in its workmanships ' ' Organon of the Art To cure and Crnicas' Illnesses; ' (NECKEL, 2010). In the clinical reasoning the therapeutical homeoptica if differentiates of the aloptico System (cure in the different system of the illness, that is, is overcome the medicine with intention to deviate for this place the action of the antibodies, being diminished or eliminating the illness) and of the enantioptico (it consists of treating an illness through the contrary, example is in feverish state if it takes an antifebrile one) due to the type and the preparation of the used medicine (VIEIRA, 2008). The philosophical sustentation of the homeopatia is the same substance that tried in the man is provoked symptoms in this individual is the same medicine that will go to cure its disease, because for the homeopatia the fellow creature cure the fellow creature. For Hahnemann, the responsibility for the balance HUNTER is the vital energy (; IRIART, 2007). The homeopatia was introduced in Brazil in 1840, for Benoit Mure (former socialist militant trader and). Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.
She was used of a liberal form, for ambulatory catholics who gave Assistance the desassistidos ones. Partner of the time existed itself of the economic elite, much resistance in accepting the therapeutical homeoptica, therefore they believed that the same one was charlatanista. It was only recognized as medical specialty for the Federal Advice of Medicine in 1980 (BRAZIL, 2006). Today the Homeopatia if expanded for some regions of the world, mainly in the countries of the Europe, Americas and Asia (SALLES, 2008). Since the creation of the Only System of Sade (SUS), the homeopatas fight for the attendance in the SUS. This objective was reached only partially, therefore the attendance still is reduced, existing few experiences of services in homeopatia in the Brazilian Cities (BRAZIL, 2006).