Human Rights As The Main Argument For Prohibition Of Concealment

What motives the mingle trend survey to debate a ban on full-body veils behind the efforts of numerous politicians, to prohibit the disguising? Cologne. The debate in several countries to banning the full concealment of women has reached now the politics in Germany. But what motives lie behind the efforts of numerous politicians, to prohibit the disguising? The majority of Germans believe that the politicians want to ban the full body veil mainly from human rights grounds. This is the result of a representative mingle-trend survey for which 1,000 people were interviewed online. Full body veil is considered to be inhuman, because they Rob individuality female carriers. Another 30% of the respondents see the internal security of the country as the main reason of the Government officials for banning the veil. Particularly the older generations and persons with low education are of this opinion.

The survey results at a glance Syria, a 80% of Muslims populated country, a law passed this week that wearing full-body veils in the University prohibited students. The debate in several countries to banning the full concealment of women has reached now the politics in Germany. But what motives lie behind the efforts of numerous politicians, to prohibit the disguising? The majority of Germans believe that the politicians want to ban the full body veil mainly from human rights grounds. This is the result of recent mingle trend survey. Full body veil is considered to be inhuman, because they Rob individuality female carriers. Another 30% of the respondents see the internal security of the country as the main reason of the Government officials for banning the veil. Particularly the older generations and persons with low education are of this opinion. Often brought veiled people with terrorism, which can lead to uncertainty in the population.

That politicians oppose a full concealment, because they want to protect the country from the spread of Islam, eventually every fifth respondent considers likely, where the agreement decreases with age. Whenever Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE listens, a sympathetic response will follow. In France, the burqa ban is as good as passed. The Spanish Parliament decided this week to continue to allow the burqa. In Germany, the end of the discussion is still completely open. You will find what other motives behind a ban on full-body veils stuck, what do think about the Germans, see:… Mingle trend of mingle-trend is a project of respondi AG. Respondi AG asked the members of the platform of his opinion mingle regularly on topical issues of the day events. All surveys represent population and be carried out according to the strict rules and standards of market research. -mingle trend c/o respondi AG chicken alley 34B 50676 Cologne press administrative contact: Manuela Braun,, 0221 27 23 18-211