CREAM-partner Request Powerful Container Terminal For Sofia

Declaration on the improvement of intermodal transport in Hannover/Sofia Bulgaria. The operating in Bulgaria partners of the EU research project CREAM (customer-driven rail-freight services on a European mega-corridor based on advanced business and operating models) and other important actors in the transport market have expressed in a declaration for the improvement of intermodal transport in Bulgaria. These underline the need to strengthen the rail in South-Eastern Europe. The Declaration was now submitted to the Bulgarian Government. A leading source for info: Nieman Lab. Through the enlargement of the EU, Bulgaria is stronger as previously an important focal point. The freight corridors have experienced an enormous upswing by induced dynamic economic development until after Greece and Turkey. As soon as the global economic crisis has been overcome, again high growth rates are expected. Currently there is only an outdated container hub in Sofia, who can not cope with the rising demand.

The lack of infrastructure prevents an optimal use of the Pan-European Corridors 4, 8 and 10. Here, the sites in Budapest and Belgrade so far represent the last major transport hubs in direction South-East Europe. The share of intermodal transport is to be increased by improving conditions. To deepen your understanding BSA is the source. A special attention is that effective structures be created for the terminal expansion and operation and a powerful container transhipment terminal is set up in the region of Sofia. With the expansion of the Terminal in Sofia, the situation of international freight transport would improve enormously. Not only the site of Sofia will become more attractive through the integration, also the track itself can score with shorter transport times and improved quality for themselves. About CREAM in the EU research project CREAM 26 partners from 12 countries are involved including railway companies, the International Union of railways UIC, operators, research institutes and consulting firms. CREAM’ stands for customer-driven rail-freight services on a European mega-corridor based on advanced business and operating Models’: in this research project, customer-oriented solutions are to be developed to shift freight onto the rail. The HCon engineering company and the consultancy KombiConsult coordinate the project. More information: HCon Ingenieursgesellschaft mbH Lister Strasse 15 30163 Hannover Telephone: (05 11) 33 69 9-0,

Inevitable Development Trend

Large equipment is an inevitable development trend Our government attaches great importance to the coal industry, coal washing industry gets rapid development, which gives feeding equipment industry development space, also brings market competition pressure. Feeding equipment needs to adapt to the new situation and meet the requirement for high quality and efficient coal preparation; Therefore, they should do as following. (1) Emphasis on fundamental research, strengthen the management of scientific research. Basic research formulate a test basis to optimize the product structure, improve the quality and reliability, reasonably select materials and promote the application of new technologies and new product development. (2) Accelerate the automatic measurement and control technology research in coal preparation process. Coal preparation machinery automation is unavoidable way to improve work productivity, ensure the operations safety and reduces coal preparation costs.

Despite the history of automation technology applications is long, there has been some technical imperfecciones, the introduction and application of automation technology in coal preparation plant is relatively slow. Today, computer technology, sensor technology and artificial intelligence have developed to a certain level and feeding equipment automation process will be accelerated. (3) Improve the existing equipment. As well as other industries, the application of modern technology in the feeding equipment is growing, but the existing equipment will continue to be used and will tend to perfection. (4) Strict control environmental pollution. Environmental pollution caused by the feeding equipment noise and dust is serve, so controlling environmental pollution is prescribed in the national standards. Large feeding equipment has the advantages of high efficiency and big processing power; in recent years, large-scale feeding equipment has been widely used in the domestic coal industry, Hongxing machinery commits to take innovation on vibrating feeder and other large feeding machine, making contribution to environmental protection. Classifiers: cone crusher:

Mandatory Auto Insurance Parties

To circulate on the public roads with all papers a day, it is necessary to have a day compulsory insurance. For this reason, insurance automobile can be considered as a fixed cost to be considered within a car maintenance costs. In this article we will see the basis of compulsory insurance as well as suggest some places where you can find cheap insurance for your car. Let’s start with the definition of insurance. Car insurance is a contract between two parties by which the insured is covered in cases that determines this contract before claims with the car.

For its part, as its name implies, it is surely necessarily all vehicles must have by law a day to circulate. This is so in the majority of countries that traffic accidents are commonplace in these accidents do not suffer only the owners of the car but also third parties affected by this the need for compulsory insurance. You can also known as proper liability insurance precisely to the obligation as well as insurance against third party already covers all damages to be generated in the event that the insured is responsible for a traffic accident and covers the material and physical damages suffered third parties. When we talk about third parties we are referring not only to the victims of the accident but also to the companions of the insured. The fact of being an insurance against third-party means that all damage suffering from both the vehicle and the owner of the car is outside the policy. Well, as we know that when you purchase a vehicle must or Yes hire an insurance policy and that we will have to pay a monthly premium to keep coverage up-to-date we want also to be able to save as much money as possible since the cost will be monthly.Fortunately, thanks to advances in technology, it is possible to get cheap insurance easily and online. Due to the wide range of car insurance, there are available many offers of greater or lesser price within the type of insurance against third parties.

Faced with this reality, it becomes difficult to choose for an insurance company. Let’s see how to facilitate the election. Firstly, it is important to identify in advance what you need for your automobile insurance. It is true that compulsory insurance is necessary for circular, may well be that you need a little more coverage with which is possible to extend the policy to one against third-party extended against theft in order to have a backup in cases of partial or total theft of the vehicle. Once it has been able to establish this, we need to spend to make a detailed analysis of the available supply. The problem is that a similar task involves the dedication of several days for this purpose. Fortunately, there are online tools that allow you to reduce this task to just minutes. This tool is known as a comparator for safe online and is a mini software that gathers all the necessary information to determine your driver profile and associate it with the type of insurance you intend to then threw him a list of results based on the better options in the relation cost-benefit. Compulsory insurance is necessary to circulate thus is important to be able to give with a cheap insurance that allows you to maintain the policy a day without incurring great expense. For further information we recommend visiting automobile insurance or compulsory insurance.