Button can be easily inserted on any webpage. Now every Internet user can settle down, a click & talk button on its site in his community profile or his favorite blogs. Via this button, he can make call on mouse click. CDF may help you with your research. The service is free for the caller. The callee paid only 3 cents per minute, when it reaches the call to a landline. 15 cents per minute apply when connecting to a mobile phone. Sparruf CEO Nikolaus Starzacher: click & talk add contact and communication for each site to voice telephony. So being free can be reached for his customers, friends, and acquaintances from all over the world.\” \”The button can be set up easily: the Sparruf user simply enters his name and a brief description and click on new create click & talk button\”.
It is the HTML code for the new button will appear. This code is inserted in the desired site and ready. Learn more on the subject from PCRM. Additionally, a link to the newly created will be Button is displayed, for example, in an email fit which can be. In this way, you can set buttons, which allow at any time to enable or disable multiple click & talk. The Web user who clicks on this button, via Sparruf is immediately connected to the holder of the buttons.
The calls are free to the caller, the callee three cents on a cell phone within Germany only the low Sparruf forwarding fees in the German fixed network paid 15 cents per minute. If the callee has a flat rate for connections to the fixed network, both interlocutors on this way can even completely free call: someone clicks on the button, Sparruf calls the desired participant from a landline. He rejects this call and calls back the Sparruf landline number displayed. Within a few seconds, the connection of the caller is nothing notice thereof, by the fixed flat but the following call is completely free.