Online Agency spot media gives child care e.V. new website donations should always 1:1 to the needy go. The Hamburg-based online agency looks spot media and supported the Husumer child care Association in the redesign of this website free. Child care e.V. convinced the jury of the spot-media project SwitchPitch and won one of the social media workshops initially. It turns out already in the first conversation, that child care e.V. actually was a completely different and much more important needs. Quickly and efficiently adapted spot media needs.
The decision to convert the profit, an agency performance in the amount of 10.000,-EUR was a lottery win for child care e.V.. Thanks to our competent partner spot media an important foundation stone is laid with the new Web page, to reach willing donors and to inform about our social activities. We could never afford a such order. All donations are 1:1 for the Soup kitchen and used for food. Not a cent is spent on administrative costs,”as Marco Kronsbein for child care e.V.
The Club engages in South Africa for almost two years for a soup kitchen in Beaufort West and ensures that more than 200 Township children get a hot meal every day. The intuitive and quick ability to maintain by Club members, which are all volunteers working in their spare time for child care e.V. was requests to the new page. A revision of the navigation structure and content as well as a modern design of the website could not be missed. In order to get the best result from the limited budget, there is spot-media chose an existing modular system. “As a partner, won the Jimdo GmbH, which their modular system JimdoPro” provides for an unlimited period of time child care e.V.. spot-media developed a detailed website concept with child care e.V., designed the design, realized the website with the modular system and took over setting the first content. Since then, members of child care e.V. can maintain the page himself and ever-current content. Since July, the Web site of the child care Association at is to reach. Sebastian sweeping, spot-media AG