October Nursing

For some patients, the expectation of the team is that they rest soon, seen to be suffering very, and the nursing perceives each piece that if spoils in one day. OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the purpose, the techniques, materials and procedures of nursing in the care of the postmortem body. One is about a study of the bibliographical descriptive type, developed through periodic books, publications in and collected scientific articles in electronic data bases. The preparation of the body has as purposes: to keep the clean and identified body; to prevent odors and exit of secretions; to make use the body in position adjusted before cadavrica rigidity. The used materials: clamp pean; cotton; atadura of crepe; ether or benzine for withdrawal of esparadrapo; three sheets, stretcher; screen and two labels of identification. The procedures if summarize: To surround the stream bed with screen; to remove sounding leads, catheters and drains; to proceed to the cleanness of the body; to make the tamponamento of the orifices; to fix feet, hands and chins with atadura, to involve the body in the sheet; to place label in the thorax and another one in the sheet, to transfer the body to the stretcher; to direct the body for the morgue; notations of nursing of the beginning to the ending of the preparation; to deliver belongings the familiar ones and to request terminal cleanness of the stream bed.

CONCLUSION: It is evidenced that it is important and necessary the knowledge of the professionals of nursing in the preparation of the postmortem body, being they responsible them for managing this function. RASP (1994) affirms that the nursing must be understood as art and science of the people to coexist and to take care of of others, where has the attendance, in the possible measure do, of the necessities bio-psico-partner-spirituals, remaining itself the ethical principle to keep or to restore the dignity of the body in all the scopes of the life.

Therapeutical Medicine

In the perspective demographic epidemiologist and, they had diminished the taxes of mortality for infectious and parasitic illnesses (acute processes) and raised it mortality for chronic-degenerative illnesses, leading to a reduction of fecundidade, increase of the life expectancy and population aging. However, in Brazil, in contrast of what it happened in the Europe and the United States, these changes had not the same occurred in historical process for all the population, occurring a characteristic heterogeneidade of our territories. This fact over all contributed so that it had, in the profile of morbidade and mortality in the country, persistence of problems of the poverty and the overlapping with males of modernity (10). A great parcel of the population simultaneously passed to be displayed to these risks and happened others with industrialization: industrial accidents, illnesses of the circulatrio device, upheavals of emotional order, violent neoplasias and deaths. Historically, the confrontation of these problems for the population and services of health had implied in the majority of the cases, in the daily expensive medicine use, being many inductive times of many collateral effect, and boardings focadas in the biomedical model, not getting in all the cases the relief of the suffering of the people (10, 11). In this direction, the adhesion to therapeutical practical others for the population has been each observed time more.

Some of these practical which the population adheres, as acupuntura, homeopatia, fitoterapia, before kept out of society, now occupy place of prominence in the doctor-institucional speeches and the politics of health (7, 12, 13). Data raised, in the year of 2006, they pointed that 19 capitals and 232 cities of the country already adopted one or more than these practical. The Federal District is part of the select group of units that have practical available integrativas of health in the basic attention of all Regional ones..

Federal Pharmacy Advice

This determines the necessity of if to specify the presentation associated with that determined dosage, so that, in case that the pharmacy does not possess it, it can make a correction of the dosage in set with the prescritor. Example of Fitoterpica Lapsing Dr. Homeo Fitoterapeuta Patient: Ext john doe. dry of leves of Sene 200mg (angustifolia Cassia) Ext. dry of the rind of the Csc. Sacred 300mg (purshiana Rhamnus) 60 Doses Dosage: To take 01 dose before the lunch and supper. Boy Scouts often addresses the matter in his writings. Who can Prescribe Until some years the lapsing right was an exclusiveness of the medical professional and medical veterinarian.

With the creation of the PNPIC (Politics In – cional of the Practical ones Integrativas and Com-plementares), other professional advice had obtained prescribed fitoterpica lapsing. According to Resolution of the Federal Pharmacy Advice (CFF) N. 546, of 21 of July of the 2011, druggist who to prove qualification in fitotera-sink will be able, whenever requested for the patient user/, to excuse to a fitote-rpico or medicinal plant, since that the same he is exempt of medical lapsing. The nutritionists, regulated for the Resolution N 402 of the Federal Advice of Nutritionists, of 06 of August of 2007, also will be able to carry through fitoterpicos medicine indication the medicinal and plants, since that duly able, that the medicine in question is exempt of medical lapsing, and that its therapeutical indication is related with its field of specific knowledge. The nurses, since whom they prove specialization in fitoterapia, also can indicate fitoterpicos and exempt medicinal plants of lapsing, according to Resolution of the Federal Advice of Nursing N 197, of 19 of March of 1997. The Federal Advice of Odontologia, through the Resolution N 82 of 25 of September of 2008, also normati-zou the lapsing for the surgeon-dentis you it of fitoterpicos and medicinal plants, since that the same ones have clinical indications in accordance with its specific field of knowledge.

In 03 of November of 2010, the Federal Advice of Fisioterapia and Occupational Terapia published the N Resolution. 380, that it authorizes to the physiotherapist and the occupational therapist the indication of fitoterpicos and exempt medicinal plants of lapsing, since that the same prove qualification technique. Fitoterpicos Citizens to the Medical Lapsing. Asian flash (Asian Centella) Cimicifuga (racemosa Cimicifuga) Equincea (purpurea Echinacea) Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) Hamamlis (virginiana Hamamelis) Hiprico (Hypericum perforatum) Kawa-Kawa (Piper methysticum) Saw Palmeto (Serenoa repens) Tanaceto (Tanacetum parthenium) Grape (Arctostaphylos grape-ursi) Valeriana (Valeriana officinalis)


According to Arajo et al. (2008) he is necessary that the intensivista team reduces the suffering caused to the patient and for the family, for this is basic that occurs a good interaction in the communication between the intensivistas and the patient, having as objective end a faster recovery of the patient. Therefore, the full success of the assistance in the UTI will depend on the presence of human resources, financial, of materials and equipment, as well as of the consignment contract of involved papers of each professional in the assistance. One still standes out the scientific importance technician of the professionals and the necessity of attendance protocols, aiming at the standardization of the actions to be followed, as form to facilitate the therapeutical boarding. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Boy Scouts of America on most websites. These characteristics in its set are that they will make possible an efficient attendance in some situations, amongst it the respiratory complications (HISS; PADILHA, 2001). To take some decision means to decide, to choose, between one or some alternatives or options, with intention to obtain optimum result. As defined for CIAMPONE (1991), the process of decision taking ' ' it involves individual phenomena in such a way as social, based in premises of facts and values, that the choice of a behavior includes, amongst one or alternative, with intention to approach if of some objective almejado' '. Already in the area of the nursing, it observes if that the power to decide process not only involves the analysis and choice of alternatives available, as of the action course that the person will have to follow in accordance with the structure where if he is inserted, that she will be able to modify the passage of such decision (HISSES; SANNA; NUNES, 2001). As Gomes (2008) the nursing assistance encloses physical, emotional, psychological cares and spirituals, to put so that the nursing team can take care of these requirements is necessary to have practical and theoretical subsidies, for a quality assistance.


1.INTRODUO the homeopatia was developed by Samuel Hahnemann, after some clinical studies and experiments, where it synthecized philosophical and doctrinal principles of the homeopatia in its workmanships ' ' Organon of the Art To cure and Crnicas&#039 Illnesses; ' (NECKEL, 2010). In the clinical reasoning the therapeutical homeoptica if differentiates of the aloptico System (cure in the different system of the illness, that is, is overcome the medicine with intention to deviate for this place the action of the antibodies, being diminished or eliminating the illness) and of the enantioptico (it consists of treating an illness through the contrary, example is in feverish state if it takes an antifebrile one) due to the type and the preparation of the used medicine (VIEIRA, 2008). The philosophical sustentation of the homeopatia is the same substance that tried in the man is provoked symptoms in this individual is the same medicine that will go to cure its disease, because for the homeopatia the fellow creature cure the fellow creature. For Hahnemann, the responsibility for the balance HUNTER is the vital energy (; IRIART, 2007). The homeopatia was introduced in Brazil in 1840, for Benoit Mure (former socialist militant trader and). Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

She was used of a liberal form, for ambulatory catholics who gave Assistance the desassistidos ones. Partner of the time existed itself of the economic elite, much resistance in accepting the therapeutical homeoptica, therefore they believed that the same one was charlatanista. It was only recognized as medical specialty for the Federal Advice of Medicine in 1980 (BRAZIL, 2006). Today the Homeopatia if expanded for some regions of the world, mainly in the countries of the Europe, Americas and Asia (SALLES, 2008). Since the creation of the Only System of Sade (SUS), the homeopatas fight for the attendance in the SUS. This objective was reached only partially, therefore the attendance still is reduced, existing few experiences of services in homeopatia in the Brazilian Cities (BRAZIL, 2006).

Scientific School

In regards to the exercise of being able of the nurse, a reproduction of the medical power is observed, where ' ' head of enfermagem' ' , most of the time he adopts an arrogant leadership of autocratic nursing and in the command of the nursing team, what he infers Padilha (1997). On the other hand, as for the relations of being able of the nurse next to the nursing team, an alternation of papers is verified, that is, these assumes attitudes of authority, responsibility and requirement in the fulfilment of the duties, fellow creatures to those of the doctors. The exercise of the power carried through for the nurse is based on the knowledge of the administration in nursing. Maximiano (2005) it appraises to manage as the process to take decisions on objectives and use of resources. This knowledge consolidated through the Nightingaleano model and of the administrative theories, amongst which if it detaches the beginning of the Classic and Scientific School that, as Fernandes and Spagnol (2003) bring as characteristic the spalling of the activities, the impessoalidade in the relations, the centralization of the power and the rigid hierarchy, what it can be observed through the authoritarian managemental behavior adopted by the nurses.

Ahead of the diversity of subjective acquired by the professional nurse, where the conquest is substituted by the responsibility and the freedom is imprisoned the limitation, it allows the professional, to half acquire and methods for attainment of the procedural character of autonomy in the nursing. Spagnol (2003), still infers that although the contributions of the classic model of management, the organization of the work in the hospital area, throughout the time have produced effect negative, which harm the work process. The author still cites the difficulties in taking care of readily to the necessities of the customers and the workers, what she intervenes with the quality of the given services, therefore the work is developed mechanically, without bonds with the customers and the professionals of the daily one.


Today we go to speak on pendant, a so old object and that it always is if bringing up to date, they are diverse the models, in gold with diamonds, with crystals, but its presence it is constant in the neck of the mulherada one, rapaziada or even though in its bichinho of esteem. These pendants can also have one meaning for the person who this using, and also to mark a special moment. Every year in commemorative dates we give to gifts for our relatives and wanted friends, the ideal we would be not to wait a concrete date, but yes to only give they something who we had will at any time. However nor always he is easy to give to a gift for a person, after all the gostos so are differentiated that we do not know to the certainty what will please each person. But he is possible to adhere to an infallible option. We gain that pretty gold Pendant and we ask in them:

Oh! Cruel doubt! Where I must place this Pendant of gold? Calm girls and boys! Soon we find that necklace or gargantilha that this pendant falls that nor a glove, or then, that bracelet that was made for that gold Pendant. The end Pendants is pretty and fits in any necklace, bracelet or earring. The important one is always to be beautiful fashion. It has people that they use until gold Pendants in its cellular one, looks at that pretty! You badalando with its device and that pretty gold Pendant making that success! that such to make one mimo for its bichinho of esteem? They also deserve to walk fashion with that pretty gold Pendant have of as many types and sizes the doubt is to choose prettiest.

Use Of Pimer Is Important

One of the beauty products that have earned the attention of the consumers is the use of face primer or to primer of eyes in the maquiagem. According to marks that are producing the product, primer serve to keep the maquiagem in the place for more time. Primer must be applied after the hidratante and solar protector and before the application of the base, that is the first layer of maquiagem in contact with the skin. Primer will also function as a protective layer of the skin, preventing the direct pigment contact contained in the base with the skin. Some formulas exist that are currently available and the ideal is to choose one that if adjusts its type of skin. Many specialists have fond the concliso that the use of primer if becomes necessary only at some moments where the maquiagem needs special durability: photographic sessions, parades, the day of the marriage or a party or social event. Of this form, the use of primer in its daily maquiagem is not absolutely necessary and you with certainty it does not need to invest in a product where it perhaps does not need as much. If still thus to want to invest in primer, send regards one of eyes, therefore it functions as a base for the shade, helping in the more alive setting of it and becoming corews..

Jiu Jitsu

Ahead of this question, the JJB athletes finish reduced the mental models that display the risk situations still more to them, forsaking instead of protecting, not only physically, but in the psychological dimension also, going against the main one felt that she developed the strategical techniques and of the old Jiu Jitsu for the current JJB: to protect weakkest in any situation, as much in foot how much in the soil. 2 – The rules of fight and contractual requirements of the MMA harm the correct execution of the techniques and strategies of the JJB, for example: closing of round when the JJB practitioner has a dominated position or an incased finishing, pressure of the controllers so that the more aggressive fighters are each time, duly warned to become uninteresting and contracts not to be renewed. As it can be observed, the MMA generates diverse artificialidades that do not condizem with the proposals of the soft arts, does not condizem with the JJB, seno sees, the techniques of body control is preferred by the practitioners of the soft arts in damage of the traumatic blows (they are used, but as complement), has seen the risk of breaking of the hands, as well as revealing aggressiveness, although to be arts that make possible the users to cause the worse damages, in case that they desire. Let us see the case of the Aikido where its techniques are extremely dangerous, capable to direct the body of the aggressor for the direction that to desire thus and, to have its projected head against the ground, wall or another solid extremity, however, the objective of the soft techniques is not to cause the destructive result, but yes, to control the causes, to control the aggressiveness and to brighten up it the maximum, searching the composition of the conflict by means of action that takes the aggressor to give up its violent intention, without suffering to injuries and if this to occur, controlled for the possible minimum..

Positive Gram Coconuts

Positive Catalase, has formation of bubble on of plates, in case that I oppose is catalase negativa.3.2 Test of coagulasePosteriormente the Catalase became the test of Coagulase in all the colonies that had presented resulted positive in the test of catalase. This test has for objective to verify or not it presence of the Coagulase enzyme. This active enzyme plasma coagulation factors harvested with anticoagulating Citrate. The Staphylococcus aureus possesss this enzyme. After the preparation of a suspension from the colonies of positive Positive Gram Coconuts catalase, was incubou in microbiological greenhouse, aliquot of 200 l together with plasma barren of rabbit harvested with citrate for 24h 36C, in barren glass pipe. Ribeiro; To sound (2002), affirm that in case of formation of cogulo the bacterium in question is of the Staphylococcus species aureus.4 Test of NovobiocinSimultaneamente to the test of the Coagulase became fullfilled the test of the Novobiocina for all the coconuts positive gram-positive catalase. In case of negative Coagulase this test serves to differentiate the main not producing species of Estafilococos of coagulase.

This test was carried through becoming it sowing of the bacterium in question on a plate of Agar blood, assists with it of one swab barren. On this sowing a record of Novobiocina was placed and the plate was incubada in microbiological greenhouse for 24h to 36C. After this period of time was become fullfilled measured it of the inhibition halo, where this occurred. Levi (2004) affirms that the resistant samples show to zones of inhibition of 6 12 mm, and most sensible they present halos of 16 mm more or. Cepas of epidermidis Staphylococcus saprophyticus is resistant and of Staphylococcus they are sensveis.5 Identification of EnterobactriasAs negative Gram bacteria that had grown in the MacConkey agar, had been submitted the tests stops identification using itself the Kit for Enterobatrias of company NEWPROV.