European Union

Marijuana is made from crushing flowers, leaves and dry stems. Both preparations consumed smoked a cigarette bundled with blond tobacco, whose most common denominations are porro, Canute, peta, etc. When consumed smoked is easily absorbed by the lungs, so it reaches the brain quickly, in a few minutes begin to manifest their effects that can last between 2 and 3 hours. Additional information is available at Kroger Health. Cannabis remains the most commonly used illegal drug in Spain and the whole of the countries of the European Union in the Group of adolescents and young people. 4 Alcohol: it is the most commonly used legal drugs in our environment socio-cultural, which are more abused and which causes more social and health problems (abuse, accidents of traffic, incitement to violence, etc.). It is a depressant of the Central nervous system that progressively numbs the functioning of universities brain producing behavioral disinhibition and emotional.

It is not a stimulant, as he is sometimes believed. The initial euphoria that causes is due to his first inhibitory action occurs on the brain centers responsible for self-control. Each time is more precocious age in which young people begin to drink and do it regularly, using the celebration of the so-called bottle as primary fun way, and Moreover young people between 14 and 18 years recognize problems associated with the abuse of alcohol, like fights or accidents. 5 Tobacco: it’s a solanacea plant, Nicotiana Tabacum from whose leaves are obtained different tasks intended for consumption humano(cigarrillos, cigarros puros, picadura de pipa, tabaco de mascar, etc.). The most widespread form of tobacco consumption It is the cigarette, whose smoke have been identified around 4000 toxic components, the most important are the nicotine, tars, irritating and carbon monoxide. The average age of home consumption is around age 13-14, surpassing tobacco use by the girls to the Group of guys among adolescents. The sale of tobacco is legal in Spain, related to age limits to exist. State legislation each time this imposing more restrictions to their consumption, since it constitutes the main cause of disease and premature death.

Marketing Forums

Your participation should be a contribution, any comments regarding a vendor interested in anyone that only speaks of your product or service. People entering the Forum, at least most of them, they do looking for information and performing queries. There are also others, and these are many really, involving only to provide information, trying to help with its expertise in some specific topic. Something to highlight. Many of those who newly enter a forum often make a mistake, I hope that you don’t make, within your participations in forums does not try to invite members to your website, this is something that they themselves must decide.

Make sure you participate in the forums where you can put a signature at the end of your comments where you will have to leave specified when you dedicate yourself and they can get it, if people see that you have something they need and you can buy, but you do not are offering very probably get customers, at the time deemed it appropriate, through had I known at the Forumthey will enter your website and if your proposal is interesting you’ve earned clients. But Remember that the sale should come in addition. Participates in moderate forums for general interest and with certain reputation where is dealing with issues of importance and not as other forums where topics can be varied and are touched superficially. Also keep in mind that there are some that are cradle of Spam. If you have many participants generally quality forums.

Finally: Marketing in forums is a pleasant task, which does not takes you too much time, meet people that are really worth, willing to pull a hand, and others that do not, as on all sides. Although the result of this marketing with forums is something slow, but not for this reason ceases to be effective. For even more opinions, read materials from PCRM. Participate in the forums, testing will give you satisfaction., and do not forget that in the good forums, not only you participate, you also learn. !Lots of luck! Eduardo Blanco original author and source of the article