What it is to be happy? Because she will be that the people in such a way search the happinesses in the illicit life? Because he will be that the men look the happiness, in the imediatismo? We go to see as we can have a meeting with the such happiness, that all long for. BSA is full of insight into the issues. 1 In our life we pass for some pleasant moments, where we will be, and at any time, we can have a moment of emotion, joy, and a deep feeling, at last, a happiness moment. 2 To such happiness that all long for do not have address, and if to sairmos its search we will not find it. nor we can buy it, in any I sing of the world. The happiness is not in the appearances of the life, the emotions, the alucinante delirium, that the world produces by means of the immorality. 3 It is not between the nobility or in the simple life. The happiness does not have address and nor form, but it is a reality.

4 and it appears in our lives as a vehement wind, but for this we have that to have the requirements necessary to receive it and to reverenciar it. 5 It does not appear stops we by means of our position, beauty or elegance. It does not seem for we by means of what we have or we do not have, and is not through our luxury who we can enjoy for what we possess. 6 If we will have all this cited privilege, us we can have a peripheral happiness, but we are speaking of something sublime, what he carries through in them. The happiness is something that does not describe. 7 the true happiness runs away from the fiction, of the impurity, and nothing that is impure it will be able to touch it, nothing takes off its esplendor. The happiness is non-separable friend of the love; 8 Therefore if to live an impure life, we will not be able to say that we are happy.

E if to sairmos its search we will not find longed for happiness so; 9 Is impossible to be happy if we will not have the life of a true Christian. Therefore if to live a incorrect life never we will be happy, and we are living of illusion, and the illusion does not condemn our appearance, but it condemns our interior. 10 Therefore when you to feel itself happy, for some act of love that you practised, it smiles with the heart. Because the happiness is something sublime. It does not have address, and we cannot buy it, we will only find it through the love and of the pureness that to live. These are the requirements to find it: dignity, humildade, charity and dom to pardon, thus I smell we only exhale it of Christ and we can say with certainty that we find with so longed for happiness.

The Foundations Of The Life

The foundations are laces of concrete and iron, that serve of base for the walls and columns. All the human being constructs to its life based on relations and these if they seem the foundations of a house very. The first foundations of the life of a person are the parents who since age more tenra take care of with affection of the new to be that he learns with these first lies to love and to be loved understanding and being understood, this foundation is the strongest of all life and is where this fincada first column of our life. After ' ' construdo' ' first cmodo of our house in the land, is hour to construct as cmodo here that it will shelter the family, prime brothers, uncles and grandmothers who also must be constructed with sufficient solidity so that the life lasts all. We go continuing to construct our house and now the hour of cmodo arrives to accomodate the friends, friends of school, tricks, close to house, is at this moment that we start to raise the first columns that will go to support our experiences of life if these will not have a good foundation we will run the risk of a collapse and case this occurs has that to start everything again. Continuing the construction of our house we have cmodo where we will install our professional side is at this moment that we arrive ours second more important column, the work. It is this column that anger to balance all our life because he is in this cmodo that we will shelter our auto accomplishment, satisfaction and security and also where we will gain our bread.

In a phase of the life cmodo appears to the necessity to construct one special destined to shelter our relationship with our friend (a) wants either boyfriend (a), husband (a) or simply somebody special, this cmodo of our house must well be made and planned well so that it can aguentar the most diverse circumstances brought by the life. in this cmodo that also we will create our children reason for which it must be safe and the test of infiltrations and cracks. When all the cmodos of the house will be ready will have that to cover the house with an excellent roof so that let us be protecting of storms and ventanias that certainly we will face in the life. The life is as a house that must be raised on a good foundation where in its composition the honesty, understanding, solidarity and respect will be gifts. As in our house, in the life we must make reforms, extend cmodos, open doors or closes to look for them to develop new structures, to put we must understand that for terms success we always need to use the foundation that we have to put we must take care not to shake the foundations with infiltrations (ideas you oppose our principles) or to submit them it one weight very strong, because if this to happen our house (life) it will be able to fall down, and beyond wounding in them, we will be able to wound many people who we want well..