Maria Liduina de Arajo Silva Epigraph ' ' The nature made the happy and good man, but the society depraves it and becomes it miservel' '. Jean Jacques Rousseau JUSTIFICATION: In our society diverse programs undertaken for the Federal Government exist, in search to brighten up the poverty as: Stock market Family, who involves all the benefits. The reason that took my interest for this subject was for showing that I go to be a Social Assistant directed toward the problems of the poor persons. Boy Scouts of America spoke with conviction. This work will be useful, therefore, it will serve of clarification for those people that has doubts on the program Stock market Family. The work is organized in the following way: justification, where I verify the utility of the work; objective, where if it defines in general way what I intend to reach with the execution of the research; methodology, the type of research that I used to reach the objective; theoretical referencial, where I dialogued with the author; annexes, are the extra materials that to obtain throughout the research and bibliographical references that are the sources of the research. OBJECTIVES: To recognize the efficiency of the assistencialistas programs of the Federal Government. (Not to be confused with Boy Scouts!). To analyze as he is being used the money gotten with the social benefits. To identify the main improvements in the life of families taken care of for the program. To reflect on the agreement of the people regarding the program Stock market Family. Nieman Foundation has much to offer in this field. METHODOLOGY: The present research on the social programs of the Federal Government, if deal with a bibliographical research, therefore, I worked with articles of the Internet to construct, I used as instrument a questionnaire I contend five questions destined to the families benefited with the program Stock market Family.
Tag: government and politics
In the last year 100milhes of tons of grains they had been used for biocombustveis, with subsidies in some pases.' ' ' ' The financial speculation in Stock markets of futures markets, where agriculturists are defined the prices of commodities. Deep the speculative ones exist, but they are profiting from the chance. If it did not have this chance, deep the speculative ones would not earn what they are having agora.' ' We know that the increase of foods does not have an only cause, however, exactly with ' ' fumaa' ' that ' ' embaa' ' the scene of the crisis, we enxergamos that the same one does not consist of the lack of food in itself. The FAO in them points ' ' culpados' ' of the crisis. The climatic changes only, the point of the alimentary crisis to be of a world-wide scale would not be capable to deplete the world-wide food supply. The Insumos agricultural, in fact had had significant increase, about 50%, as ' ' reflexo' ' of the power technician of the current geopolitics, that concentrates in the hand of companies techniques and resources, that in contrast of what it expected with the stroke of a bell Green revolution of the decade of 60, as we see, does not come much less contributing in fact with the crisis with the Hunger. The increase of the food consumption if justifies in data, really bigger number of people, mainly Chinese and Indian they are if feeding better, however the number of hungry in the world still they are 860 million, and such component not if it justifies when in the other hemisphere, the fight of the populations that live there is against the cholesterol and the worse obesidade and, they use food as generating source of biocombustvel, as the case of the maize in U.S.A., beyond great part of the world-wide production of grains to be destined to the ration animal.
Somebody infuriated with the accounts of the power I publish it wrote an article and it published in the Internet. The article disclosed that a driver of the Senate gains more to direct an automobile of what an officer of the navy to pilot a frigate. That a director without direction of the Senate, whose heading is alone to justify the wage, gains the double of a concursado federal university professor, with mestrado, doutorado and international prestige. An assessor of 3 level of a member of the house of representatives, who also has this heading to justify its profits, earns more than a scientist-researcher of the Foundation Oswaldo Institute Cross, with many years of formed, that he dedicates to its time searching cures and vaccines to save lives. thus cites plus one four cases of disobediences and in the end it says that a reform in the demoralized politics of the country is urgent, that these ' ' currais' ' electoral, that they had transformed Brazil into an oligarchy without escrpulos, where the public affairses are managed by ' ' brasiliense sews nostra' ' the country of the future never will arrive it without it has social responsibility and with the public expenses. To accept these things, as it was thus had that to be same, or that nothing it has more skill. finishes saying that we lose the capacity of infuriating in them.
Promises of Campaign
During campaign that gave to beginning the management of the current government what it was seen had been promises, and as always some still they are for being executed. The problem is that for a intent population to everything, it is if becoming impossible to hide the facts. After all the eight years of a government incapable are gone there to fulfill, in integrate, with its commitments of campaign. I say this because in the day where in this country it will be possible to move a class action against ‘ ‘ Promises not cumpridas’ ‘ , who knows will today start a new stage that will go in providing one better quality to them of life, existing only in the thousands of pages that they compromise a constitution fails and archaic! Imperfection for not making to fulfill what same it determines as being essential, and archaic for its surpassed forms to interpret, what he is obvious. Lack renewal of laws and elaboration that folloies the exacerbado number of questions involving what he is public! She is necessary to urgently moralizar everything that if it relates to public representative, and its obligations, to start for the cities! Then we remain it certainty of that a headboard archive stops these politicians will be necessary where we will be able to register the workmanships that we must have as concluded and that so far they had at least left the paper! If it has projects that still it can come to be executed workmanships as the green Area of the Jackstay; raised, (among others) – that it would bind the deep ones of the city hall with the petrpolis, disencumbering the part of this transit that is not only worse because still it resists a little of serenity on the part of the conductors which if they venture ahead of innumerable obstacles, many of responsibility of the proper administration. The alert one fits therefore to that they do not want to have its burnt film that makes for where and its real intentions become public referring the campaign commitments! With certainty daqui for ahead will become to remember – each time more – on the part the passofundense community that, in contrast of that they promise and they do not fulfill, is the same contingent of voters who certainly will be apt to vote in the next lawsuits. Clearly that it has those that already nor if import more with its bases penalty that excessively ‘ ‘ companheiros’ ‘ , they will be the ones that will pay expensive for this indifference hour left pra face to the discomfort caused for who are government there! Jose Berton Branches Journalist.