The Foundation

Media representatives we provide upon request also a view copy of current worm”available. “Editorial Note: the snail” is a 1989 independent magazine, society DCIG ( issued by the German cochlear implant. The magazine, which acts as a non-profit limited company, informs its readers about the issues of cochlear implant, hearing loss, deafness, tinnitus, hearing aids and hearing aids. Expert contributions and experience reports from concerned give the reader deep insight in the problem of hearing impairments and their management. At the same time, the magazine offers readers a forum and contact possibilities. Thematic focus is life with cochlear implants (CI) and hearing aids.

The reader of the worm are hard of hearing persons and their relatives, professionals from the areas of ENT, hearing aid acoustics, pedagogy, speech therapy, self-help organizations and interested in the Switzerland, Germany and Austria. The Foundation certified health in October 2010 the worm among other reasons, because the articles cover a wide range of claims, adapted to different information needs and are usually well understandable. The journal provides reliable information people with hearing impairment and their families, as well as professionals, published dates around the hearing and presented in each issue of contact details of self-help groups in Germany and also in Austria, of Switzerland, the Netherlands, Italy and Luxembourg. The worm”appears four times a year with a current circulation of 5 500 copies. The editorial office is located in Illertissen; Editor-in-Chief of the worm”is Hanna Hermann. Since 2008, there are in addition to the “Print edition of the snail the snail online information portal magazine”.

With this relatively young medium, we want to complement the worm with current property and service issues and events around the topic of hearing.

Natural Synovial Fluid

If the joints not more really want your knees do so properly, pain and are stiff in the morning. The hip hurts with every movement. Stairs is difficult, sometimes it’s painful. Rheumatism is to blame, one hears frequently. Rheumatism is an umbrella term for a whole series of painful disorders of the musculoskeletal system of various cause.

In the case of the knee joint and other large joints, there are often wear and tear, damage the articular cartilage or destroying. In this case, one speaks of osteoarthritis. In the course of life, more or less, almost all people are affected by osteoarthritis, 80 percent of the over 50. But it can make young people, even athletes. A cure is not possible. You can reduce only the symptoms and slow the progression of the disease, at best stop also in early intervention.

“To stop the progression of osteoarthritis, it is important that the joints properly lubricated” are more painful each other rubbing any movement. Nature provides natural joint lubricants that, that have proven themselves in the prevention and treatment of joint problems such as arthritis. The speech is of Glucosamine and Chondroitin sulphate. Glucosamine is the basic building material of all cartilage, ligaments, tendons and bone structures. The body normally produces enough of them, to keep the joints work and repair minor damage. With age, the body’s Glucosaminproduktion but decreases with the result that the joints dry out”and are not properly lubricated. Also, chondroitin sulfate is a very important part of cartilage. It binds large quantities of water in the cartilage and gives him thereby its elasticity and shock absorbing properties. In an undersupply of chondroitin sulfate, the cartilage can dry up, shrink and eventually die off. Scientists in various research centres of the world have begun years ago, these two natural lubricants of joint in osteoarthritis and other Joint complaints to try out.

My Strategies

Google Adwords describes the quality as these announcements and it will lower to the cost by click whichever greater relevance to us has the used key word, with the announcement and the page of destiny. This relevance is one of the important factors but so that our costs are low and increases to the maximum our return of investment. Also the announcements are different in each network. For the network search we must explain in a pair of lines, that we offer, as are the benefits and in addition to call it to the action to subscribe or to enter the page. Check out Dr. Neal Barnard for additional information. In the case of the announcements of the network of contents, we must in addition touch it with something gratuitous as it can be a gift bond, a guide, videos, etc. This happens in the network of contents because in this case there is anybody no interested in our product, but is sailing by the Web and it is with our announcement and that the gift can give rise to that it is touched in entering our page. As strategy is advisable to do several groups reason why we will copy several groups in each one of the leaves of calculation that we have destined one for each network.

Each group simultaneously, will have only two announcements each. The objective to make two announcements only is for trying after certain time or after a certain amount of click, what has been but successful and what the loser. Then, we will vary the losing announcement, taking as it bases the winner and making him a small modification to place it to compete again with that there is that moment was the winner. Once finished the rough draft of each leaf, that is of each network, and to have realised all the groups that we consider advisable, we will upset to the interface of Google Adwords, all the data and will activate the campaigns. On the other hand also we must obtain all the negative words of each of our words. The important secret but of a campaign is to have the greater amount of negative words to avoid irrelevant impressions.

Moscow Weight

In one of the last of his articles, 'Oh, sports, you – the world! " I promised to tell you about the fish and restaurant. According to BSA, who has experience with these questions. Well, promises to fulfill. But it will not on the menus of American restaurants and recipes of fish dishes. What I meant was that U.S. food industry – is beautifully staged business. I will begin, as usual, from a distance. Even in ancient Rome, famous for one senator, who loved to have fun in a strange way. Ordered to sprinkle himself back powder, causing itching.

Then he scratched his servants spmnu, and he was all already writhing with pleasure. In America, an incredible amount of advertising of different delicacies. Masterfully done. The screen juicy chunks of tender pour sauce and akuratno cut that could be seen flowing juice from them. And on another channel – advertising the latest devices for weight loss – exercise equipment, belts, and gadgets for jogging. America from time to time flooded with a wave trendy diets or systems of exercise for weight loss. Such as 'Body Beach' – 'Beach Body'.

In one of Moscow's restaurants have opened egregious case. Cook the dishes spiked with drugs in small doses. To receive a visitor kicks and tried again to come to this restaurant. I think that this restaurant just poorly prepared. The fact that expertly cooked food by itself causes euphoria – improving mood, akin to the narcotics. In America, prepared tasty and served a lot. At first I could not get used that often served in a salad bowl-sized bowl. If you eat it all – then the main meal may not be enough space in the stomach. I arrived in the U.S. is not skinny. But had notice that every time you visit any place catering I gain weight exactly 10 pounds – nearly 5 kg. There is still work that remains uneaten you wrap with them. And they have enough home for a day or two. Here it is – the system! First eat delicious, then running to buy fitness equipment. Well, what is worse than that of the Roman senator? If you think about it often in life people like to invent problems. Then to successfully overcome them. Apt Russian word and is not remained on the sidelines. Take, for example anecdote about the wedding night at the Young Communist League of the family – in the mosquito a place in the hammock, and standing up! Americans – a great connoisseurs of human foibles. And what is still possible to get rich?

Scientific Advisory Board

Support by many persons, who distrust their own ears wide and positive response on the market and in the media the reissue of the great forsa survey meets hearing, carried out by the forsa Institute for opinion research and statistical analysis currently on behalf of hearing acoustics EC HoREX, as well as with the support of numerous Member companies of the professional community. Interested contributors who want to better understand spoken words and test for two weeks latest hearing systems are looking for. -According to a comprehensive study in 2007/2008 it is hearing the experiences and aspirations in connection with such a test asks for the second large forsa poll. “Already now we can say that our second forsa survey listening a over – finds from great popularity with”, so Tannassia Raghavan, Chief Executive Officer of HoREX hearing acoustics EC. Contributes to the success of much, that many media throughout the Federal report on the study. Whether Frankfurt Observations or image, whether Berlin newspaper Rheinische post everywhere were able to end users about the new version of our survey is to inform. The number of those who take advantage of the opportunity for a test run is great. You may want to visit Boy Scouts of America to increase your knowledge.

Abundant two months before our first interim analysis already to the 1,000 volunteers have completed their hearing AIDS test and willingly provided information with regard to a hearing aid supply.” Interested parties who wish to have questions about the large forsa survey listening or register to participate in the test, can see on going There you will find the participating member companies of HoREX. There is also the project team of the forsa Institute questions available – phone (030) 62882-211 (Ms. Krey and Mrs Klein). Editorial Note: the hearing acoustics EC headquartered in Kreuztal HoREX was founded in 1995 and is one of the leading performance of hearing-acoustics industry. Today it includes nationwide about 380 Hearing-acoustics master specialists in. The HoREX care professional aims to offer an individual hearing solution people with hearing loss, which focuses on personal hearing requirements and a fair price / performance ratio. The HoREX provides future-oriented perspectives and an attractive shopping policy, extensive marketing support and numerous services, offers in-service training and quality certification to its members. You see founded which society for social research and statistical analysis mbH was forsa 1984 in Cologne.

1991, forsa, opened an Office in Berlin, which today is headquarters. Forsa uses advanced research technologies. The Institute was the 1980s of one of the first in Germany, which was a computer-assisted telephone surveys (CATI) and further developed. In the development and implementation of empirical surveys forsa collaborates with experts from science and practice. The Scientific Advisory Board of the Institute consists of renowned social scientists and guarantees high methodological and content standards. Forsa performs any kind of market, opinion and social research, in which the methods of empirical social research can be used. All collecting and evaluation work be carried out by forsa itself. Forsa has extensive experience in the area of the survey to the health research. For more information, see press contact: Martin Schaarschmidt, Tel. (030) 65 01 77 60, E-mail:,

Rabih Nahas

To generate no endless spiral of treatment, close cooperation is required by patient, dentist, dental laboratory and qualified professionals for targeted stress relief. Despite the best preparation of the denture, perfect adaptation in the mouth and best reconstruction of broken teeth, they will suffer from the enormous effect of the tooth presses. A continuous treatment impacted not only the patient, therefore should be integrated from the outset worked against the gnashing of teeth. The help of the dentist is destroyed by the stress-related and mostly unconscious jaw movements. The dental technician can find no solution for the clenching as soon as any psychological treatments with Act.

The patient can feel how by the time crunch, its tooth structure increasingly breaks down. Specialists inform bruxism”(gnashing of teeth) understanding of bruxism are gathered by many professionals in the dental sector. They came on the results that the so-called teeth grinding disease”is a constant challenge for the prosthetic treatment. Even perfectly made Restorations can be destroyed by it. Also the systematic search proves after a guilty not always easy. But what was found out, is that in the bedroom or in certain everyday situations Bruxismuspatienten occupy different mandibular positions, which turns nervous and mentally energized. How to Zahneknirschern”? The procedure for treating bruxism requires not only a treatment at the dentist, but an essential comprehensive treatment outside of dentistry. The gnashing of teeth for each patient an entire issue comprehensive health that as he is under enormous pressure, should be clear to him and he should play an active role in the stress reduction with qualified support.

The recognition that a tooth replacement or restoration of dental health only long term holds, as soon as is, intensively worked and also used very important. A mouthpiece, also occlusion rail, in addition important called is for the Special tooth preservation wear. Because the teeth gnashing the teeth of the patient be destroyed over and over again, a long-lasting duration of treatment at the dentist is necessary. A team of volunteers and doctors, the patient receives his inner health, and certainly his dental health again. So the perfect composition for optimum tooth replacement is created through the cooperation of all partners of the team. We help you grind teeth Zahneknirschern or have Temporomandibular joint pain? We advise and assist you. Our contact details are: Mr. Dr. d.s. Dr. med. Dent. Rabih Nahas, MSc dentist and specialist for Oralchirugie Martini road 31 28195 Bremen phone: 0421-328325 fax: 0421-328326 e-Mail: Internet:

Preventive Oncology

Pay attention to benign tumor formation in the skin of the child, to encourage parents to actively participate in implementing preventive measures kriologicheskoy oncology must first of all health care workers, caregivers and teachers. Immunostmuliruyuschie mechanisms of therapeutic effects, occurring at an overall vortex of magnetic therapy and extreme cryotherapy against the progression of pathological tissues, including cancer, put these two techniques in a special position among other methods of physiotherapy, allow them to position shown as an additional physical therapy not only for prevention but also for treatment of malignant tumors. Cryosauna and magnitotubotron shown in the background radiation therapy and chemotherapy after the surgery for cancer. They docked immunosuppressive side effects cytostatic treatment methods, accelerate the healing of postoperative wounds. Of particular note is the need to implement the full range of activities for Preventive Oncology in those patients, including children, who are or have just finished treatment for malignant tumors. Our studies with statistical confidence showed the most widespread manifestations of hpv in the tumor children with cancer. Thus, papillomavirus rash should be regarded as a signal of increased propensity for cancer.

Benign tumors of the skin – this is unique outstretched hand of the body, asking for help, appealing to the implementation of measures aimed at immunostimulatory specific treatment of the creatures of oncogenic papillolmavirusa. Papillomavirus and remain patient, already received treatment for cancer. Logic dictates the feasibility of their cryodestruction, giving them the foreignness, of this background of general immunostimulation cryotherapy and magnetic effects for the vortical prevent a recurrence of cancer and overcoming cancer predisposition. In the nursery, the epidemic is often gets spread on the skin of children molluscum contagiosum, caused by weak forms of the smallpox virus. The most widespread molluscum contagiosum acquired after the abolition of all-out smallpox vaccinations. The virus is transmitted in the aquatic environment, therefore, a most frequently molluscum contagiosum is noted in those children institutions where there is a pool. Traditional surgical "plucking" lesions with the application of an antiseptic does not have specific immunostimulatory effects of therapeutic and very painful. Gently and with giving the hearth of the smallpox virus antigenicity, almost making procedure in the vaccine can eliminate molluscum contagiosum by kriokompressionnoy destruction, using chilled in liquid nitrogen kriozahvat. After even a single freezing clam that does not hurt a mosquito bite, it becomes alien organism spontaneously rejected, and the children's body, thus causing persistent resistance to this variant of the smallpox virus.


Well, so they are sometimes, our “Doctors”, says Penker smiling, because we know that is true at the age of 66, because life begins with 66 years, it’s fun “and Hermann Penker, who now play goes with his two grandchildren, probably thanks to the Gymna is the living proof. The medicinal herb Gymna (Asclepiadacae) contains the Gymnasaure (Asclepiadacaesaure), which seems to enhance the endogenous insulin effect as well as the exogenous injected insulin effect as active anti diabetic active ingredient. Taking this plant substance leads to a reduction of fasting glucose and a reduced need for insulin, a significant reduction of HbA1c and plasma protein content. Neither healthy nor diabetes patients found an effect leading to hypoglycemia. (Source: Bailey 1989;)Babu 1990, Ivorra 1989, Nadkarni 1976, bone 1996, Prakash 1986 Chattopadhya 1993 and many others). The anti diabetic effective ingredient can support promote so the body’s insulin in diabetes mellitus type 2. Studies seem to confirm that the Asclepiadacaesaure has the extraordinary ability to regenerate beta cells in the pancreas (pancreatic) in diabetes mellitus type 2. The administration of Asclepiadacaesaure from the leaves of the Gymnapflanze when a group has controlled clinical trials clinical trials “diabetes mellitus type 2 – patients” with a HabA1c value of 10 and later a reduction of the measured blood glucose values (plasma glucose concentration) of 216 mg / dl to 178 mg / dl after a short time result.

The blood glucose values measured 2 hours after a meal (2-hour postprandial plasma glucose concentrations), were minimized by 28 per cent (reduction by 295 mg / dl to 212 mg / dl). The administration of the medicinal plant reduced the HabA1c patients from this group by 11.1 on 9.9 after 90 days. (Source: “effect of extended release Gymna leaf extract alone or in combination with oral Hypoglycemics or insulin regimens for type 1 and type 2 diabetes”, author: Joffe, DJ and freed,) SH). Read more reports of apimanu MedJournal on Facebook and stay always informed: pages/apimanu-MedJournal /… apimanu MedJournal Dr. T. Kuhn Apdo 362 03730 Xabia (Alacant) / Spain apimanu_MedJournal.html

Pealver Group

Official degrees with identical educative content in their preparation In the Group Schola Classroom, and for 16 years, are dedicated to give classes of support in the main subjects of First, THAT, Baccalaureate, University and Preparation of Tests of Access. An approved 98% of in the last call of June of 2009 guarantee this formation, distributed by professionals with years of experience and a didactic methodology that allows that hundreds of students totally are satisfied with their learning. Those that the Group Schola Classroom decides to the English formation of, Computer science, Oppositions and Professional Courses are already almost two lustrums that come to complete their formative range. Now and from this month of June of 2010, the Group Schola Classroom abre to its students new courses for the preparation of official degrees with the same contents that including for the obtaining of this degree. These new courses that agree 100% with the agenda of the official degrees are: Formative cycle of Average Degree? Pharmacy and Parafarmacia? Public health attention Formative cycle of Degree Superior? Management of Tourist Lodgings? Sanitary documentation? Dietetic? Technical Infantile education in Emergencias Sanitary? For this course the Aranda Center is committed to that the student realises 40 hours of practices in ambulances. Course of Repair and Maintenance of Computers? This course consists of 6 weeks in groups of 10 students and includes so much the educative material as the technician and the necessary tools for its learning in a program of 2 hours daily during 5 days to the week.

Among others characteristic it is possible to emphasize: The closed price of these courses can be paid on credit cash or financed by the own Group Schola Classroom. The period of formation is individual and comes marked by each student, since the classes are customized, being able to extend itself until they approve of the chosen official call. The educative and additional material for the teaching of each course is included necessary. The schedule can be included between the 9 hours and until the 21 hours for the positions of a guardian, contributing a great one flexibility to all type of students.


Eight employees of the Berlin dental practice KU64 treated children in South Africa KU64/01.03.2011 – the team of dentists, dental assistants, and a prevention specialist to dentists Dr. Stephan Ziegler is back. For seven days the staff of the Berlin dental practice KU64 in place the 160 km away from Cape Town had treated 100 volunteer students of an elementary school, as well as 60 adults need Paternoster Bay. 200 fillings, 120 extractions and countless sealants: This is the balance of this year’s mission, because after the first treatment Marathon 2009, this was the second visit of KU64 employees in Paternoster Bay – already, and the third is planned for January 2012 already. “Yes, a stated goal of the project is sustainability”, so dentist and KU64 owner Dr. Stephan Ziegler. “Eventually we want to here a valuable contribution to the long-term health of children in Paternoster Bay.

Accordingly are dentistry and prevention in our treatments in the first place? And so it was with the children also diligently correct tooth brushing practiced – because effective oral hygiene is also at this end of the world the best protection against caries and periodontal disease. That such an action only with the help of strong partners is possible, is obvious: the usage was supported in the WESTCOAST KIDS ( aid project by the nonprofit Laureate Foundation. Numerous partners from the dental sector have promoted commitment KU64 with generous donations including the Henry Bill dental Depot, the MIP GmbH, the smile design dental laboratory, the VOCO GmbH, the company 3 M ESPE, Curaprox, Onedroponly, CAMLOG, MIP, and Resorba and the Ivoclar Vivadent GmbH. But also non-medical companies, such as, for example, the trading plan AG, belong to the supporters of the action or the Strandloper sea Villas, which sponsored the 3 houses KU64, where the team of KU64 was housed during the entire period of treatment. For all those that get yourself a picture of the project and the work carried out in Paternoster Bay want to make an exhibition begins on the 28.03 in the dental practice at Kurfurstendamm 64 rooms with photos of young photographer Andrew Black, graduated from the Photoacademy of Udoh (Kurfurstendamm 170,), the KU64 team photographically has accompanied.

The vernissage will take place on the 27.03 at 19: 00. Its the dental specialists of KU64 committed in South Africa, also for children’s aid projects at the local level, E.g. for the Ark and the laughing hearts initiative, as well as for the children’s and youth departments of sports clubs Reinickendorfer Fuchse and Berlin rebels. In addition KU64 equips all schools and swimming pools in Berlin since December 2010 with SOS dental rescue boxes for the salvation and preservation of knocked out teeth.