As Souza apud Keynes (1997), the maleficent side dainflao if makes to feel for its effect. If the inflation was uniform eafetasse the transactions equally, its effect would be null. A variation novalor of the money, that is in the level of prices alone is important for the measured sociedadena where its incidence is different. The main effect of the inflation a perverse redistribution of the income, therefore prices and wages do not get excited mesma tax, during periods of high inflation. Another effect of of Habitation BNH, the inflation was in its higher indices, it quecausava one very celeuma great in contracts of financings, mainly of the real estate sector.
Also something essential to the human being is necessary to take in consideraoque the housing is, and although in Brazil to esteser a right assured for the Federal Constitution, one became antigodficit and that still it lasts in all the regions of the domestic territory. In the search of the solution of this problem ummecanismo was instituted, which if called Indexation, that has as to objetivomanter the power of purchase of the currency. It is used of indirect form (when to seencontrar inlaid in the tax of interests) or of direct form (applied by means of utilizaode specific indices). Currently the used ones with greater> IPC, General Index of Prices IGP, National Index of Prices to the Consumer INPC, dentreoutros. 1,5 Debt balance Certainly this concept is one of the dequestionamentos .causing greaters in the operations of financing of the proper house. This if must aofato of the borrower not have science of that the concept technician of more including muito debt balance of what that concept that is imagined at the moment daassinatura of the contract. Although to know that debt balance, literally, is ovalor that still if must the creditor, they do not understand, in clear way, which ositens that they compose the cited balance.