Federal Constitution

As Souza apud Keynes (1997), the maleficent side dainflao if makes to feel for its effect. If the inflation was uniform eafetasse the transactions equally, its effect would be null. A variation novalor of the money, that is in the level of prices alone is important for the measured sociedadena where its incidence is different. The main effect of the inflation a perverse redistribution of the income, therefore prices and wages do not get excited mesma tax, during periods of high inflation. Another effect of of Habitation BNH, the inflation was in its higher indices, it quecausava one very celeuma great in contracts of financings, mainly of the real estate sector.

Also something essential to the human being is necessary to take in consideraoque the housing is, and although in Brazil to esteser a right assured for the Federal Constitution, one became antigodficit and that still it lasts in all the regions of the domestic territory. In the search of the solution of this problem ummecanismo was instituted, which if called Indexation, that has as to objetivomanter the power of purchase of the currency. It is used of indirect form (when to seencontrar inlaid in the tax of interests) or of direct form (applied by means of utilizaode specific indices). Currently the used ones with greater> IPC, General Index of Prices IGP, National Index of Prices to the Consumer INPC, dentreoutros. 1,5 Debt balance Certainly this concept is one of the dequestionamentos .causing greaters in the operations of financing of the proper house. This if must aofato of the borrower not have science of that the concept technician of more including muito debt balance of what that concept that is imagined at the moment daassinatura of the contract. Although to know that debt balance, literally, is ovalor that still if must the creditor, they do not understand, in clear way, which ositens that they compose the cited balance.

Secrets Of Prosperity

Who you need to be to be rich and prosper? Yes, you heard right! Exactly. What to become in order to succeed, but not where to take the money and something to do. Exactly that’s the lies fundamental error of those who do not achieve success. They feel that their level depends precisely on what they do and not who they are. For example, even in any prosperous country, there are many people who barely to make ends meet. And also the fact that in countries with low living standards of living necessarily there will be those who succeed.

Known for thousands of examples of how children of same parents grew either poor or rich. And graduates of the same school and college in a few years were either in a financial hole, or on the tops of financial success! Why is this happening? To begin, recall the last time you thought about How to live today? Must be taken into account and remember one important point: In order for you to have the opportunity to improve themselves and their life skills necessary to learn to assess and weigh the events own life. They are a source of information on how we can better and better. Most people try not to pay attention to what happens to them day after day throughout their lives, and even more so – analyze. Most of us hardly take the time to seriously reflect on ourselves, loved, and about his life as a whole.

Rotterdam Madness

What desire to call the attention here is that in a hegeliano dialtico process, the antithesis possesss the same importance of the thesis, therefore they are two parts that are necessary in the composition of the synthesis. Perscrutando desvelar of Madness, we have in the theater the esfacelamento of persona and presentation of the mystery, (following the definition presented for Hegel of that mystery would mean revelation, from there the necessity to know it) as we can evidence in the man who if travesti of woman and in such a way demonstrates the not-participation of the woman in the public presentation, as displayed Foucaut in its well ‘ ‘ History of the Sexuality – Book II’ ‘ , as well as the desire of this exactly man in displaying its feminilidade restringinda (here under a psicanaltica perspective of the recognition of andrgeno factor), going beyond, we have old that the good-tempered personage searchs its myth of the will in youth when incorporating, having also slave whom it sees fed, exactly of form representative, its anger of resentment (under a nitezschiana perspective concerning the resentment as anger against that it considers responsible for its depraved condition), therefore to if travestir of king, it confronts the monarch with evident an ironic subtility and at the same time that enrapturing Maquiavel would arrive, and finally, we have the mstica representation, that desnudada, transmits the nietzschiana idea of ‘ ‘ death of deus’ ‘. From this complexity, we obtain to demonstrate the baffling act of the Madness, that sends in them to the different state of that one which we find in them, becoming us flexible when being and transmutados in a desirous perception of future. Following the words of Rotterdam, on the life to be a comedy, I share the same of thought, since no matter how hard let us lead serious, in the end it preparation of manioc meal as a snow doll in the summer and if liquefaz, not completely, but as Sartre displays, gelatinous, something between rigid and the liquid, in transmitting this sensation to have and to escape the all instant, beyond the comedy to possess a complexity that also accumulates of stocks the seriousness, but without the limitante rigorismo of a style, only sliding between several, and when making it, she destroys and she constructs as a representation of Sheeva, bailando as Zaratustra and jeeing of the rigorismo and of it lacks of. Bibliographical reference: ROTTERDAM, Erasmo.

Preventive Oncology

Pay attention to benign tumor formation in the skin of the child, to encourage parents to actively participate in implementing preventive measures kriologicheskoy oncology must first of all health care workers, caregivers and teachers. Immunostmuliruyuschie mechanisms of therapeutic effects, occurring at an overall vortex of magnetic therapy and extreme cryotherapy against the progression of pathological tissues, including cancer, put these two techniques in a special position among other methods of physiotherapy, allow them to position shown as an additional physical therapy not only for prevention but also for treatment of malignant tumors. Cryosauna and magnitotubotron shown in the background radiation therapy and chemotherapy after the surgery for cancer. They docked immunosuppressive side effects cytostatic treatment methods, accelerate the healing of postoperative wounds. Of particular note is the need to implement the full range of activities for Preventive Oncology in those patients, including children, who are or have just finished treatment for malignant tumors. Our studies with statistical confidence showed the most widespread manifestations of hpv in the tumor children with cancer. Thus, papillomavirus rash should be regarded as a signal of increased propensity for cancer.

Benign tumors of the skin – this is unique outstretched hand of the body, asking for help, appealing to the implementation of measures aimed at immunostimulatory specific treatment of the creatures of oncogenic papillolmavirusa. Papillomavirus and remain patient, already received treatment for cancer. Logic dictates the feasibility of their cryodestruction, giving them the foreignness, of this background of general immunostimulation cryotherapy and magnetic effects for the vortical prevent a recurrence of cancer and overcoming cancer predisposition. In the nursery, the epidemic is often gets spread on the skin of children molluscum contagiosum, caused by weak forms of the smallpox virus. The most widespread molluscum contagiosum acquired after the abolition of all-out smallpox vaccinations. The virus is transmitted in the aquatic environment, therefore, a most frequently molluscum contagiosum is noted in those children institutions where there is a pool. Traditional surgical "plucking" lesions with the application of an antiseptic does not have specific immunostimulatory effects of therapeutic and very painful. Gently and with giving the hearth of the smallpox virus antigenicity, almost making procedure in the vaccine can eliminate molluscum contagiosum by kriokompressionnoy destruction, using chilled in liquid nitrogen kriozahvat. After even a single freezing clam that does not hurt a mosquito bite, it becomes alien organism spontaneously rejected, and the children's body, thus causing persistent resistance to this variant of the smallpox virus.