Frankfurter Paulskirche Badinter

Ceremony on 24 February in Frankfurt’s Paulskirche Cologne, 04.02.2013. The French Minister of Justice (ret’d) Prof. Dr. Robert Badinter is awarded legal award European the European Science Prize Carl Heymann. 50,000 Euro prize is awarded by the in the March 2012 in Frankfurt-based Carl Heymanns mbH charitable society for the promotion of legal services and the law. An independent five-member Board of Trustees, chaired by the European Commissioner for Justice, fundamental rights and citizenship Dr. Viviane Reding chose Badinter to the first prize winner. The 1928-born jurist, philosopher, and scholar in Paris for his life’s work, his contributions to the fields of law and politics around the European Union and especially for his draft of the European Constitution une Constitution Europeenne”honored.

The award ceremony will take place on February 24 in the Frankfurter Paulskirche. The winners will be appreciated Dr. Viviane Reding and German Foreign Minister Dr. Guido Westerwelle. The central concern of the Carl Heymann price is promoting the European idea of peace and freedom as an exemplary project for the future. Personalities will be honored who promoted the integration of the European Union with faculty contributions or their life’s work in the areas of law and policy. The Carl Heymann price goes back to an initiative by Wolters Kluwer Germany.

Wolters Kluwer Germany is also a major sponsor of the charitable society. I feel very honored that occupied high-calibre jury of Carl Heymann price European legal award me has set aside for this price. It is for me an important confirmation of my lifelong efforts for a still for a more United ‘ Europe. Long the United Nations of Europe live”, so the winners Badinter. A life for Europe as the French Minister of Justice in the Government of Francois Mitterrand Robert Badinter in 1981 through the abolition of the death penalty in France. Thanks to its commitment France ratified the Sixth Protocol to the European Convention on human rights, which outlaws the death penalty in 1986.

General History

However, as for the evaluated subject, feudal system, was not perceived any loss of content differentiates that it of excessively. On aspects of bigger relevance, it was not possible to observe, of the authors, aiming to any preferential thematic axle. The diverse subjects are boarded with equanimidade, leading in account the abrangncia of each one of them. How much to the form as this period of the history of the humanity it is presented the pupils, we have few exceptions to make, and for such we will go to detach stretches of the analyzed workmanships in order ' ' pontuar' ' these rare comments: ' ' Throughout the medieval period, it was become fullfilled integration enters the structures of the Roman world and the germanic world (barbarous), what inteiro.&#039 prepared the beddings of the world; ' (grifo ours)? book All History General History of Brazil History (p 97). What in them it seems, when attributing to the germanic people to the condition of ' ' brbaro' ' , the author passes the impression of that if it deals with a people who conquered its position in the feudal society through the war or acts of barbarity.

It would have been important, in order not to cause dbias interpretations, to clarify of that it forms such conquest occurred. ' ' We must still remember that medievo and feudal system are phenomena of the Europe occidental person. The eastern Empires Arab, Bizantino and Persa and other peoples had not known such form of organization of vida.' ' book All Histria_ General History of Brazil History (pag 97). In this stretch, the impression that we had, was of that it had a conceptual mistake, since Average Age is a period of time that is common to all humanity, in any part planet, not being able to be equivalent it the organizacional system that commanded the feudal society at this time. ' ' Basic the social conditions of the feudal society were in service Sir and. Mr.

possua the land and the servant and withheld the power militar.' ' (grifo ours)? book All History General History of History Brazil (p. 98). ' ' The servitude is a relation of superior work generally considered to the slavery. In contrast of the slave, the servant is one ' ' man livre' '. It was not property Mr. ' ' (grifo ours) History Conscience of the World (p 168). Probably, in a deepened analysis more, we would find divergences similar, that must occur in reason of the used bibliography, for each author, for consultation and posterior orientation in the elaboration of the didactic workmanship, however, is not inside of our objectives to make this type of boarding, even though for considering that such fact does not compromise the quality of the presented content, since in History does not exist absolute truth. For last, we conclude that the workmanships that we use for our comments, take care of to the proposals for the cycle the one that had been destined. The study of History it must gradually be inserted in the pertaining to school environment and to be leveled its white public, leaving a deepened vision more for the cycles most advanced, or even though specialized.


The way we argue, reveals much of our personality. Although we are not lovers of the discussions, an event may cause a deisacuerdo inesiperado someone. The mayoiria of people develop patterns of behavior that almost always make us react the same way to these contingencies. Want to know how to react if the discussion is with someone who was very close to you as your partner, friend, etc. We propose the following test to know how you comiportarias: Imagine the situation. You caminanido down the street when, pronito, begins to drop torrential rain. You realize that while you wear to run Toida speed, it will take to meines five minutes to reach the destination you had expected and that means that you thoroughly soaked.

Choose one of the following reactions: 1. As you do not know how long the storm, you decide to run to your destination as quickly as possible. 2. Looking for a guard or aribol to protect you and hope it stops raining. 3. Always you carry a folding umbrella in your bag when you go, so you use it.

4. Checks for any person in the corner dispuesita to share his umbrella or look if there is a store nearby where you can buy one. Interpretation The rain represents the unexpected adversities of everyday life. yComo reaccioinado you have before the storm? 1. If you run to your destination as fast as you can, is that the final outcome of the dispute unless you care to say what you think. You people say what they think. You seiguro to be right and neicesario not discuss it. Discuitir Perhaps you may not be pleasant but at least it is easy to know what you think. 2. If you are looking resguardarte until clear sky, you usually manitener calm while the other will not stop screaming. Are you people waiting for their chance to speak. Others prefer to leave to take their coilera then give your view coinocer calm and objectively. Some would say you should become involved more, but for others it is an intelligent forima focus. 3. Paraigua If you always carry a purse, think you have the answer to any situation and the justification for any failure. You people that do not require the opinions of others. Without doubt, tieines talent as an orator, and discussions will serve to demonstrate this, but sometimes you can give the impression of being someone cold or fleeting. 4. If you are looking for someone with an umbrella or a tent donide can buy a bit is that you like conflict or confrontation, and try to appease the other when estailla a dispute. You people who prefer not to get involved in disputes with others, giving priority to relations than differences. However, in some situations, this may not do more than make things worse. Although it is sometimes a good strategy, it would be good at other times take the party and supports a "storm." .

The Habit

The State yergue, not only like guarantor, but like " padre" that it orders and it commands. The essential principles have been trastocados and no longer we worked deriving from them, now we acted on the parameters of the regime. So that if we transferred to policy terms present the word " colaboracionistas" , they are it what doubts fits those that have adopted the habits and behaviors of those who their adversaries consider. That is to say, in this lamentable country of today the social body copied the signs of the invader born from its own sine. It is possible to change the human subjectivity, for or or evil, and to change it towards some values than it has been the venezolanidad, the more the sum of cease of the egoism, of the implantation of social solidarity and of the abandonment of old theories like of trasnochadas theories, the multiplication of the voice of intelligence today induced sleep and thrown in a hammock is necessary. For example, the habit of the growth has been changed by the habit of the survival. The habit of the tolerance has been changed by the habit of the aggression.

The habit of not surrendering has been changed by the habit to orate offensive words and to announce violence. It is obvious that the conformation of habits and behaviors depends as much on the outside as of the interior. We know it to the outside in all tares, but the interior is shown a deep psychological fragility to us, a lack of densidad, a total vulnerability, an impressive lack of consistency in the Venezuelan prototype. Without a propitious inner world not internalizara the despicable outer world. Nor one would take place east circle of people with the new habits and behaviors constituting itself in the devaluated society. Consequently, it is necessary to explain and to introduce a new idea.

Scientific School

In regards to the exercise of being able of the nurse, a reproduction of the medical power is observed, where ' ' head of enfermagem' ' , most of the time he adopts an arrogant leadership of autocratic nursing and in the command of the nursing team, what he infers Padilha (1997). On the other hand, as for the relations of being able of the nurse next to the nursing team, an alternation of papers is verified, that is, these assumes attitudes of authority, responsibility and requirement in the fulfilment of the duties, fellow creatures to those of the doctors. The exercise of the power carried through for the nurse is based on the knowledge of the administration in nursing. Maximiano (2005) it appraises to manage as the process to take decisions on objectives and use of resources. This knowledge consolidated through the Nightingaleano model and of the administrative theories, amongst which if it detaches the beginning of the Classic and Scientific School that, as Fernandes and Spagnol (2003) bring as characteristic the spalling of the activities, the impessoalidade in the relations, the centralization of the power and the rigid hierarchy, what it can be observed through the authoritarian managemental behavior adopted by the nurses.

Ahead of the diversity of subjective acquired by the professional nurse, where the conquest is substituted by the responsibility and the freedom is imprisoned the limitation, it allows the professional, to half acquire and methods for attainment of the procedural character of autonomy in the nursing. Spagnol (2003), still infers that although the contributions of the classic model of management, the organization of the work in the hospital area, throughout the time have produced effect negative, which harm the work process. The author still cites the difficulties in taking care of readily to the necessities of the customers and the workers, what she intervenes with the quality of the given services, therefore the work is developed mechanically, without bonds with the customers and the professionals of the daily one.


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