Constitution Family

What is it? This is a legal system of your family. Yes! We must start with ensure that all together (the child's participation, children are a prerequisite) to develop a legal instrument. For example "The Constitution of our family." Do not be too much to philosophize. Enough to come up with half a dozen rules, but very significant and meaningful, which would reflect the rights and responsibilities of all family members. It is at this stage, the child gets acquainted with concepts such as laws, rules, rights and responsibilities and begins to understand the meaning of the Constitution, as the basic law. Once the basic law was developed, it must be printed, either on the big beautiful poster, which will hang in a prominent place (you can show any boldest imagination) or in booklet form, and better to do both.

Finally, be sure to hold the procedure for adopting family law in the form of a solemn feast, and then all together to implement or enforce its laws. Please note that this event is a long game, the main thing here is not to abandon the idea, and at the same time does not turn all into a routine. Once law enforcement becomes stable and normal for all family members can the next step. Step Two. Awareness of benefits and the need for legal knowledge. In the first stage of development of our future brilliant lawyer, we have worked with his mind. In the second step we turn to the senses, to the inner world of the child and fill it with positive images associated with the law.