Commercial Internet

BY-STEP PROGRAM Step 1 – Buy Internet access options, allowing you to view streaming video.Tsena issue: 500-700 rubles a month. Benefit: to sit only dialup autsaydery.2 the first step – Register online payment system WebMoney. Put on your wallet rather sredstv.Tsena question: up to several days to obtain a personal passport, money – 2.500 rubley.Vygoda: live dirty footmarks track for the arrival of money in their own iTV-proekte.3 second step – Pay a professional virtual hosting.Tsena question: up to 2-3 days, money – 300-500 rubley.Vygoda: keep the Strategic Level Upravleniya.4-Step – gets the script Commerce Internet plozhadki with affiliate programs and integrated services. Install, configure. The price of issue: 1.235 rubles and time – a couple vecherov.Vygoda: Marketplace accepts payments in various forms (WM, RuPay, Z-payment, etc.) sells – pin-codes to access the password-protected video and audio.5 th step – gets a script creating a ‘closed areas’ access to pin-code. Install, inspect rabotosposobnost.Tsena issue: 20-40 minutes, the money – 260 rubley.Vygoda: Cuts halyavschikov.6 the first step – be filled by Internet Resources pre-prepared content – text, graphics, Internet televizory.Tsena question: on your own – just your time. With an investment in the author’s video training courses – 910 rubles, with viewing on the pin-code, video courses on CD – 2.260 rubles + 2 konsultatsii.Vygoda: Self – save money. With an investment – saving time for more important and enjoyable zanyatiy..