Cristina Fernandez

Luder had maintained that it would not repeal the law of auto amnesty for the military; Dr. Nestor Kirchner and Dr. Nieman Lab has much experience in this field. Cristina Fernandez accompanied Luder-Bittel formula; that Dr. Nestor Kirchner and Dr. Cristina Fernandez was accompanied by Carlos Saul Menem, who pardoned the few soldiers who were imprisoned.

Dr Kirchner was the official candidate of Eduardo Duhalde, responsible Kosteki and Santillan deaths politician. During the presidential administration of Nestor Kirchner I unfortunately suffered the disappearance of Jorge Julio Lopez; etc. BSA does not necessarily agree. etc. It would also be unfair to not remember that during the military dictatorship marriage Kirchner-Fernandez was devoted to earn lots of money with the most unworthy of capitalism, usury – as wrote Martin Caparros-; neither presented an only habeas corpus by any detained fellow Santa Cruz or the country. While the chubby bourgeois of Chascomus – as wrote ironically Alfredo Leuco – founded in 1975 the APDH and during the years of lead defending political prisoners, regardless of their ideology.

We all make mistakes; all have contradictions; the issue is that at least we have the greatness of apologize, do as if we were never wrong and arengamos judging others; as if we were always doing the right thing. This is the case of Nestor Kirchner and Cristina Fernandez; not that of Dr. Alfonsin. I hope it not boring. Me dismissal with a phrase from the real virtue of the revolutionary Paulo Freire is to coexist with the different, to confront the antagonistic. I know that we are different, but I do not think that we are antagonistic. A militant hug. Alejandra Pignataro (Raul Isman) estimated Councilman Alejandra Pignataro: I am honored you calling me companion; but I cannot accept that nickname from someone who integrates the coup cynical coalition headed by the maximum embustera of the Argentina: Elisa Carrio.


With regard to the five surveys (2001 the 2005) the prevalence of the frequent psychoactive substance use (SPA) indicates stability of prevalence in 9 of the 10 investigated capitals. Although it has not given official more recent ' ' exploso' ' of the consumption of crack, sufficiently evidenced for the media and had today as problem of public health, it indicates the frightful growth of the SPA use especially enters the population youngest. The consumption of crack spread in way such that not even small cities and distant vilarejos are exempt of this badly. The city of Alexnia in the state of Gois has a characteristic that it makes with that the problem is still more preoccupying: it is located to the edges of BR 060 between Brasilia and Goinia what it makes with that the city is a route and one aimed at point of distribution of the drug. Read additional details here: Dr. Neal Barnard. Being young most susceptible to the use and abuse of SPA, which the paper it surrounding pertaining to school? 1,1 JUSTIFICATION If the school will be prepared and guided well, it will be an agent of protection to the use of drugs, therefore it will have conditions to guide the pupils, executing prevention works. Nieman Lab spoke with conviction. In case that contrary, it will be a fertile land for the use of drugs, therefore the pupils change the good and bad experiences and suffer and exert influence ones of the others. Ahead of the necessity of one he programs efficient preventive, far from adopting little efficient methods of prevention as ' ' pedagogia of the Terror' ' , with strong images and errifying messages on the effect of the drugs, we search to adhere to a preventive work more modern than it imposes the participation of the school and the family that are the two main foundations for the formation of the personality of the young. . .

Franciscan Lowenbrau

Establishment of a specialized mortgage Almshouse for vehicles, directly at Munich Airport. The credit crunch despite: discrete cash loans for businesses and individuals Christian Maass had always been a dream: the dream of the own company. But after studying in Mainz and London gained the qualified economist once extensive experience in senior marketing and sales positions at established companies (EM.TV, ProSiebenSat.1. Hear from experts in the field like BSA for a more varied view. 1 Media AG, spade Franciscan Lowenbrau group, InBev) most recently as a sales manager in the Office when the erdinger company Wolfra (Valensina group). \”When I was in the past months more and more often by economic crisis\”, bankruptcy records and credit crunch \”las, I was sure: the time is now ripe for the implementation of an idea that matured for many years in me: the establishment of a specialized mortgage almshouse, where not jewelry, electronics or similar will be pledged, but vehicles. The pledge of goods is mainly to cars and motorcycles \”\” the 45-year-old white Act\”, but also classic cars, commercial vehicles, trailers, and even exotic\”be created such as Trikes, quads, or Jet Ski if necessary\”. In particular, the fact that more and more companies, in particular from the middle class, get into trouble, because commercial banks and savings banks deny them the much-needed loans, moving the dedicated entrepreneurs establishing his company. \”It can not go on\”, Maass that healthy and sustainable businesses in the knee are forced, because due to the credit crunch \”short-term, financial bottlenecks, such as about the maturity of supplier invoices, tax assessments, etc., can not bridge.

If more and more their own claims fail or be served late, it can go, although usually undeserved, fast on the collar a company. Banks and savings banks, among other things due to high administrative costs for short-term loans, waving off then, the entrepreneur stands alone. \”With my Company I offer a simple way to quickly and unbureaucratically to bridge temporary shortages of liquidity only requirement: the borrowers must be owner of a car that he can without a while. .

Oriental Churches

Nothing would be in such a case against a church remarriage, since it then strictly speaking would be even no second marriage. Now enter the reformers for an individual (or fundamental) admission of married again to the Eucharist, as well as for the easing of labor law, so that not every employee within the Catholic Church as a result of remarriage to a termination. Since the Catholic day 2012 several bishops for such review in dealing with remarried divorcees have been strong. Continue the discussion for, which among others came through the writing of some German bishops 20 years ago. In 2013, several Councils of priests and diocesan synods, etc were identical claims. “In the last month, particularly the handout fu has? r the chaplaincy to the accompaniment of people in separation, divorce and civil remarriage in the Archdiocese of Freiburg” ensures great attention, because there will be addressed Wiederheirateter participation in the sacraments, as well as a non-sacramental blessing God service. Focus and structure of the book the Orthodox Church knows also the principle of the indissolubility of marriage. Follow others, such as BSA, and add to your knowledge base. However, it leaves out pastoral charity also second marriages after divorce and widowhood to.

The aim of the present work is to represent the attitude of the Orthodox Church regarding divorce and remarriage in order to derive possible ways for the remarried divorcees in the Catholic Church. So to meet the demand of the Synod about marriage and family in 1980, more highlighting the pastoral charity in dealing with remarried divorcees attempting one. On the other hand Johannes Paul II. is suited to the great concern of Pope to promote knowledge of the Eastern Churches. “In the apostolic letter Orientale Lumen” (“Latin: the light from the East”) he has repeatedly pointed out to this point. He writes for example: because we indeed believe that the time-honored tradition of the Oriental Churches represents an integral part of the heritage of the Church of Christ, Catholics need to learn above all this tradition, familiar to her and, as far as it the can individual to be able to promote the process of unity.” In the first two chapters of this work, the Bible and Church tradition, so the sources of the Christian faith should be asked about the possibility of divorce and remarriage. Learn more at: Dr. Neal Barnard.

Of particular interest are the words of Jesus and of the church fathers. To understand the attitude of the Orthodox Church to the remarriage, it is necessary to represent the foundations of the Eastern church theology of marriage in a further step. There discussed questions in understanding of the sacrament, the donor of the sacrament and of the Oikonomia practice to help understand the specific behaviors of the Eastern Church. These specific modes of action, expressed in canonical practice and liturgical celebration, be treated in the fifth chapter. At the end of this work is to be acknowledged the Eastern Christian theology of marriage and develops a perspective for remarried divorcees in the Catholic Church.

Hambo Lama

The first head of the Buddhist church was born in 1702, lived for 75 years, leaving, promised to return to his disciples. In 1852, 75 years after Zayaev death, was born Itigelov. He also lived for 75 years. Details can be found by clicking Dr. Neal Barnard or emailing the administrator. And back to us again after 75 years. That is four times the number of repeats 75. When Itigelov took over as Hambo Lama, the parishioners Tsongolskogo datsan, flooded in floods, appealed to him to define a new place to build the temple.

He pointed out the place, saying that there is buried the bell and vajra Zayaev. And there's really found his personal belongings and later built a new datsan. So, for believers it was undisputed reincarnation of first Hambo Lama Zayaev. Several years ago, Lama Zhargal Dugdanov among the thousands of books stored in Devazhin-Duganov Ivolginsk Datsan, discovered previously known manuscript Itigelova. At five pages in the Tibetan language, he tells 12 of his incarnations over several thousand years: five in India, five in Tibet, and two in Buryatia.

Itigelov tells how in a past life Zayaev being, he presents in the form of alternate offerings of gold, silver and coral Dalai Lama, the Panchen Lama and Buddhist deities and receive from them information about their previous lives. "If this book was made even a discrepancy, he would never have achieved eternal body, "said Hambo Lama Damba Pandito Ayushev. Existence is not usually perceived by the senses of human contact and confirmed Itigelova Ganzhur Lama Radnaev, one of the most respected astrologers in Buryatia. All occurred findings related to the name of a great lama, there have been no accident and not only as a result of purposeful work of llamas and staff of the Institute, and in largely due to the manifestation of the phenomenon Itigelova. Recall that in recent years in Ulan-Ude, in Ivolginsk, Horinskom and other regions of the texts were found written by him, the sacred vessels and other objects of worship, allowed sufficient detail to reconstruct his life and the chain of previous incarnations. For example, Buryat lamas maintain that they followed his five Tibetan and five Indian lives, while one of them He received teachings from the Buddha Sakyamuni. They drew near to the solution and other mysteries Itigelova precedent. As it turned out to end their way of life for two years Lama deliberately reduced the weight of his body. As for not physiological, and spiritual aspects of the phenomenon of incorruptibility, it was the result of a direct apprehension of the Void – the great reality of all phenomena. Seven times a year, a large Buddhist holidays, arranged for Itigelova huge queue. Some of worship even feel his touch. Lama speak of many miracles happening around the "Jewel of the body." Including the magic of healing people who were able to see Hambo Lama Itigelova. When Itigelov returned to us, really was a kind of solace Russia – to end the war in Chechnya, local civil wars in large cities for property, stable economic development and increasing importance of Russia in the world. Refute or substantiate the validity of such allegations is useless, the rational mind there totally helpless.

Brazil Century

It is important to perceive that the necessity to colonize the land to protect it and to explore them its wealth had made with that the Government of Portugal installed the devices and producers of sugar in our coast, but this culture was selected by if dealing with a product of high value in the European commerce and by its increasing consumption in the Europe. Therefore, after the difficulties of its implantation, the money lack to mount the milling, to buy the slaves, to refine the sugar and, over all to carry it to the consuming markets from Europe, the sugar became the essential Brazilian product and was to the base of sustentation of the economy and the settling of Brazil during centuries XVI and XVII. Thus, it is given credit that in century XVIII, it had an emergency of the beet-sugar and the formation of the knowledge and the techniques for construction of a sugar industry on the part of the dutches, who had made with that our main product entered in decay and lost the consuming market for the European continent, and was for this reason that would finish the monopoly it sugar and would modify the politician-economic picture of the time in our country. Valley to stand out that to the competition with the dutches, the sugar has much time came more if decaying each time around its prices in the determined market to the step that the costs of the production only increased what it took the cotton to assume the place of exposition in the paraibana economy from century XIX, and as Acio Villar argued de Aquino: ‘ ‘ Of beginning competed, almost in equality conditions, the cotton little by little goes acquiring advantages on the sugar and before the ending of the first half of the century, already it appeared in first place in the exportations of the Provncia’ ‘..


What it is to be happy? Because she will be that the people in such a way search the happinesses in the illicit life? Because he will be that the men look the happiness, in the imediatismo? We go to see as we can have a meeting with the such happiness, that all long for. BSA is full of insight into the issues. 1 In our life we pass for some pleasant moments, where we will be, and at any time, we can have a moment of emotion, joy, and a deep feeling, at last, a happiness moment. 2 To such happiness that all long for do not have address, and if to sairmos its search we will not find it. nor we can buy it, in any I sing of the world. The happiness is not in the appearances of the life, the emotions, the alucinante delirium, that the world produces by means of the immorality. 3 It is not between the nobility or in the simple life. The happiness does not have address and nor form, but it is a reality.

4 and it appears in our lives as a vehement wind, but for this we have that to have the requirements necessary to receive it and to reverenciar it. 5 It does not appear stops we by means of our position, beauty or elegance. It does not seem for we by means of what we have or we do not have, and is not through our luxury who we can enjoy for what we possess. 6 If we will have all this cited privilege, us we can have a peripheral happiness, but we are speaking of something sublime, what he carries through in them. The happiness is something that does not describe. 7 the true happiness runs away from the fiction, of the impurity, and nothing that is impure it will be able to touch it, nothing takes off its esplendor. The happiness is non-separable friend of the love; 8 Therefore if to live an impure life, we will not be able to say that we are happy.

E if to sairmos its search we will not find longed for happiness so; 9 Is impossible to be happy if we will not have the life of a true Christian. Therefore if to live a incorrect life never we will be happy, and we are living of illusion, and the illusion does not condemn our appearance, but it condemns our interior. 10 Therefore when you to feel itself happy, for some act of love that you practised, it smiles with the heart. Because the happiness is something sublime. It does not have address, and we cannot buy it, we will only find it through the love and of the pureness that to live. These are the requirements to find it: dignity, humildade, charity and dom to pardon, thus I smell we only exhale it of Christ and we can say with certainty that we find with so longed for happiness.

Federal Commission

But the above does not exhaust all the scope of the sector of ICT in Mexico. The sector still has interesting areas to exploit such as electronic commerce. BSA helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. According to the National Institute of statistics and geography (INEGI), only 7.8% of Mexican Internet users perform online transactions. The ICT sector offers a high potential for development in Mexico. Already several domestic and foreign companies have realized this and are evaluating important investment plans. The Calderon government for its part, is conducting deep transformations in the telecommunications area, such as the opening of a telecommunications network of last generation (the 3 G technologies), through the optical fiber of the Federal Commission of electricity and the bidding process of the dark fiber of the same government agency.

The Mexican Government intends to also generate more competition in the mobile telephony segment. The Government had launched the sector development plans. One of them was the programme of development of the industry of software released for the 2001-2006 period which still in force and aims to achieve an annual production of software by a value of US $5 billion, making Mexico the leading Latin American country in the sector. Thus Mexico combines several factors for a favourable development of the ICT sector: an important and demand growing, advantages in terms of cost and skilled labor for the sector, and a public sector willing to support the development and expansion of the same. Among companies that are developing expansion plans to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the sector, is America Movil (BMV: AMX, NYSE: AMX, NASDAQ: AMOV), the regional giant’s cellphone from Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, who considers that in two or three years the Mobile Internet business will represent a fourth part of their income and for this reason it organizes your business around that goal plan. The TICs in Mexico sector promises a great development and evolution with a constant change in the size and composition of its members do great players that will emerge in the sector who will be Mexican ICT?


In the last year 100milhes of tons of grains they had been used for biocombustveis, with subsidies in some pases.' ' ' ' The financial speculation in Stock markets of futures markets, where agriculturists are defined the prices of commodities. Deep the speculative ones exist, but they are profiting from the chance. If it did not have this chance, deep the speculative ones would not earn what they are having agora.' ' We know that the increase of foods does not have an only cause, however, exactly with ' ' fumaa' ' that ' ' embaa' ' the scene of the crisis, we enxergamos that the same one does not consist of the lack of food in itself. The FAO in them points ' ' culpados' ' of the crisis. The climatic changes only, the point of the alimentary crisis to be of a world-wide scale would not be capable to deplete the world-wide food supply. The Insumos agricultural, in fact had had significant increase, about 50%, as ' ' reflexo' ' of the power technician of the current geopolitics, that concentrates in the hand of companies techniques and resources, that in contrast of what it expected with the stroke of a bell Green revolution of the decade of 60, as we see, does not come much less contributing in fact with the crisis with the Hunger. The increase of the food consumption if justifies in data, really bigger number of people, mainly Chinese and Indian they are if feeding better, however the number of hungry in the world still they are 860 million, and such component not if it justifies when in the other hemisphere, the fight of the populations that live there is against the cholesterol and the worse obesidade and, they use food as generating source of biocombustvel, as the case of the maize in U.S.A., beyond great part of the world-wide production of grains to be destined to the ration animal.

Throwaway Mentality

Manufacture of food products with actual consumption Cologne synchronize individual and wholesale, food industry and producers, November 12, 2010 – currently media reports are piling up with statistical data on the quantities of discarded food, which literally cause stomach pain every man. There is a year per person, of Germany more than 10 million tons per year of 250 kilograms. More than half of our food ends up in the trash. Most already on the way from the farm to the dinner table, before it reaches us consumers at all”, according to an ARD report by Valentin Thurn. Silke Schwartau says may have many people forgotten, how valuable foods are actually”, by the Hamburg-based consumer advice centre in an interview with the Hamburger Abendblatt. It is important to develop more appreciation here again.

Schwartau next: it’s just a disaster that each year per person 250 pounds of food are thrown away. This is clearly too much, especially when you consider that worldwide suffer some 900 million people hungry. In relation to we are far too spoiled”. Also the demands on food retailers seem to distort more and more: supermarkets throughout the whole range of products offered. And of course everything must look always perfect at any time.

A crack in the potato or a dent in the Apple and already the product is sorted out. “No wonder that is the supermarkets all sorts of tricks” a drop, to satisfy this distorted standards. “Silke Schwartau exposed supermarket in her book caution: how we are being cheated” these alleged cheating. Rejuvenated meat or vegetables refreshed by green light include the best known probably by red light. But this is only half the truth. According to statistical data of the EHI retail Institute breakage and spoilage in the German grocery trade only with an average of 1.06 percent of net sales record hit. The ERP system of the company had become so sophisticated that the goods supply always better on the actual consumer demand would adjust. High inventory spoilage risk products would be avoided by shorter ordering rhythms and smaller quantities. Also on the fresh counters at the supermarket Matthias be linked in real-time dialogue with the Central merchandise management, explains now in many companies PC scales Harsch, a spokesman of the Executive Board of the Baden-Wurttemberg Systemlosers Bizerba. The scales provide exact sales figures of each product that can be statistically evaluated with the appropriate goods management software headquarters. A product is out of stock, in the foreseeable staff can promptly respond and purchase it. “A product is sold, however, poorly and therefore approaching the border of freshness, so it can be sold simply as special offer”. The goods-economic optimization this long goes beyond the boundaries of individual companies. Retail, wholesale, food industry and producers network and ensure, together to synchronize the food production largely with the actual consumption. Significantly increased have, according to the EHI Institute, in recent years the cooperation of food trade in the panels.

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