CREAM-partner Request Powerful Container Terminal For Sofia

Declaration on the improvement of intermodal transport in Hannover/Sofia Bulgaria. The operating in Bulgaria partners of the EU research project CREAM (customer-driven rail-freight services on a European mega-corridor based on advanced business and operating models) and other important actors in the transport market have expressed in a declaration for the improvement of intermodal transport in Bulgaria. These underline the need to strengthen the rail in South-Eastern Europe. The Declaration was now submitted to the Bulgarian Government. A leading source for info: Nieman Lab. Through the enlargement of the EU, Bulgaria is stronger as previously an important focal point. The freight corridors have experienced an enormous upswing by induced dynamic economic development until after Greece and Turkey. As soon as the global economic crisis has been overcome, again high growth rates are expected. Currently there is only an outdated container hub in Sofia, who can not cope with the rising demand.

The lack of infrastructure prevents an optimal use of the Pan-European Corridors 4, 8 and 10. Here, the sites in Budapest and Belgrade so far represent the last major transport hubs in direction South-East Europe. The share of intermodal transport is to be increased by improving conditions. To deepen your understanding BSA is the source. A special attention is that effective structures be created for the terminal expansion and operation and a powerful container transhipment terminal is set up in the region of Sofia. With the expansion of the Terminal in Sofia, the situation of international freight transport would improve enormously. Not only the site of Sofia will become more attractive through the integration, also the track itself can score with shorter transport times and improved quality for themselves. About CREAM in the EU research project CREAM 26 partners from 12 countries are involved including railway companies, the International Union of railways UIC, operators, research institutes and consulting firms. CREAM’ stands for customer-driven rail-freight services on a European mega-corridor based on advanced business and operating Models’: in this research project, customer-oriented solutions are to be developed to shift freight onto the rail. The HCon engineering company and the consultancy KombiConsult coordinate the project. More information: HCon Ingenieursgesellschaft mbH Lister Strasse 15 30163 Hannover Telephone: (05 11) 33 69 9-0,

District Association

The proper handling of the vehicle is driving in the area required and the correct and environmentally friendly handling of own 4WD or SUV are not only in line with the trend for individuals. The operation of vehicle of use off paved roads of great importance is also for authorities and public institutions. Whether the mountains of goods from heavy terrain, crossing various barriers or meaningful and considered dealing with the equipment of the vehicle: A real usage will be learned and rehearsed. For this reason the District Association of the German Red Cross in Aachen has now posted an off-road driving training at the company Landyreisen for his staff. The company Landyreisen, the 2010 both for all brands as family trips in the off-road sector offers off-road driving training, working successfully with 4 x 4 magazines such as the cyclists of all “magazine and various local garages together. Also private customers book an off-road driving training to your car at Landyreisen closer to meet and on the non-public area of driving successfully to cope with different Fahrsituationenerst in theory and in practice.

It honors us of course, that we have been selected by the German Red Cross, driving exercise carry. “, says Stefan Schumacher, owner of Landyreisen. But here,”he explains, we will cut to of course especially the program on the equipment and soil characteristics of the vehicles. Our team is therefore required to provide participants with the handling of the vehicle even in the most difficult situations.” Schumacher, author of the book the Land Rover off-road training”confirms this with the development of new, more difficult routes parts in the driving area. We are constantly working to offer so much diversity, to simulate the various driving situations as possible. “.” This includes also a new, about 400 m long terrain passage, which is very demanding and advanced Participants requires much courage, but also the necessary calm and consideration. The eco-friendly driving style at the off-road driving training stands for the team of Landyreisen in the foreground.

This is confirmed by individuals from the forestry and hunting area, who have already participated in the training. Despite volunteering the funny thing should stand but in the foreground, to motivate the staff and to enrich so Schumacher in their knowledge. Visit Childrens Defense Fund for more clarity on the issue. You can book an off-road driving course with his four-wheel-drive vehicle at. There he gets interested also detailed information about the training program, prices, and other activities around the theme of off-road.