Royal Jelly increases the defenses of the organism in addition to possessing other curative properties for different conditions. In fact it is in study its composition for the purpose of knowing as it intervenes in infectious diseases. But it is known that it acts by stimulating the immune system because it produces an increase in lymphocytes and thus strengthening the body’s defenses originates forming a barrier against infections and viruses. Among his composition are minerals such as sulfur and phosphorus, amino acid and various vitamins such as vitamin A, D, C, those of the Group B and vitamin E. Before its beneficial to the Agency certainly composition properties are highlighted as salary increase of defenses, then it also acts in the oxygenation of the brain helping to memory for being rich in phosphorus; It acts against anaemia by stimulating red blood cells, white blood cells and hemoglobin; combat hair loss, prevents the formation of acne; It acts on the digestive system, about male impotence; as antioxidant works by reducing Cellular Aging, benefiting the skin; It has effect on male and female fertility; It is energizing is ideal couple cases of tiredness, fatigue and stress. Although Royal Jelly has no contraindications, (not only is indicated if this is a person with a chronic of the adrenal glands, Addison’s disease) or side effects can then consumed 100 ml.
per day or if it is managed with pills of 100 to 400 mg. per day only for two months, then requires a break of another two months to return to relapse into your daily intake, but always under medical prescription for avoiding possible allergies. In addition the intake must be before breakfast and accompanied with some fruit or some fruit juice. His form of consumption can be single or to multiply their profits can ingest also together with propolis, pollen or honey. Royal Jelly increases the body’s defenses is especially indicated when there is a nutritional deficiency in the elderly, athletes and the children.