In the continuation of the sounding it was possible to characterize the structure, and its tipologia of construction (to see tipologia of structure 1). The structure identified in the continuation of sounding 2 (structure 2) meets, partially, under a wall of property division. The observed estratigrafia is similar to the described one in sounding 1: UE 05? Homognea land layer and compacts, of dark chestnut coloration. It has covered layer 06 (it corresponds to UE 02 of sounding 1). UE 06? Layer of chestnut coloration, with oxide intrusion.
It has covered layer 07 (it corresponds to UE 03 of sounding 1). UE 07? Layer of clay, acinzentada coloration. It is in this layer that seats the foundation of the structure (structure 2). In the continuation of the interventions they had been exhumed material of chronology Contemporary common ceramics associates (fragmentos, faiana, glass and loia type ' ' Sacavm' '). They had been, still, characterized and registadas (photographic, topographical and graphical register? alado) the remaining structures identified in the cuts of hollowing to the Pk? s 0+500 (structure 4) and 2+700 (right edge? structure 3). 5.
Consideraes Final In May of 2009, through verbal information of a proprietor of lands next to the PK 2+725 and PK 2+700 of the Definitive Access of the Left Edge, Equipa of Archaeological Accompaniment had the information of the two existence of ' ' agueiros' ' (canalizations) that there they passed. In September of 2009, during the works of construction of the related access, two granite structures had been identified in hollowing slopes for water conduction, nominated between PK 2+675 and 2+700, confirming the collected verbal information in the place. To Pk 0+500 it was, also, identified the one existence ' ' agueiro' ' , whose mouth of entrance can be identified in elapsing of the archaeological prospection in involving lands. After it visits to the place for the Guardianship, was praised, as measured of specific minimizao, the accomplishment of archaeological soundings of evaluation.