It is important to perceive that the necessity to colonize the land to protect it and to explore them its wealth had made with that the Government of Portugal installed the devices and producers of sugar in our coast, but this culture was selected by if dealing with a product of high value in the European commerce and by its increasing consumption in the Europe. Therefore, after the difficulties of its implantation, the money lack to mount the milling, to buy the slaves, to refine the sugar and, over all to carry it to the consuming markets from Europe, the sugar became the essential Brazilian product and was to the base of sustentation of the economy and the settling of Brazil during centuries XVI and XVII. Thus, it is given credit that in century XVIII, it had an emergency of the beet-sugar and the formation of the knowledge and the techniques for construction of a sugar industry on the part of the dutches, who had made with that our main product entered in decay and lost the consuming market for the European continent, and was for this reason that would finish the monopoly it sugar and would modify the politician-economic picture of the time in our country. Valley to stand out that to the competition with the dutches, the sugar has much time came more if decaying each time around its prices in the determined market to the step that the costs of the production only increased what it took the cotton to assume the place of exposition in the paraibana economy from century XIX, and as Acio Villar argued de Aquino: ‘ ‘ Of beginning competed, almost in equality conditions, the cotton little by little goes acquiring advantages on the sugar and before the ending of the first half of the century, already it appeared in first place in the exportations of the Provncia’ ‘..