Microsoft NET Framework

This question has no answer in a sentence! If I just said that one uses this icon to get RSS feed to a site still will not understand. So we will try to respond to you so that everything makes sense to you and, more importantly, to learn to benefit from it. Say you like my site a lot and would like to read the content again as he added. At this stage there is no way to inform you when I added a new page, except for notification by email. This means that you gave me your e-mail – that most people do not dare to do any way. The other way is for my favorite – but how many times people actually return to a site? What if I told you you could have a little "window" (called a reader or aggregator) on the monitor and every time I updated my page, you are automatically informed about it. How, you may ask? A holder (called a news feed) and a brief summary report / tease you sprayed your reader.

If the teaser interest you, all you need do is follow the link that will take you to that page on my website where you can read everything. If you're not interested, simply delete the title. The process is repeated every time you add new content. Of course, you can subscribe to as many channels as you want – today to people's personal blogs (a blog is short for web log, a diary or an online magazine). So what to do to configure it and how much will it cost? Let's answer the second question: Setting it up is FREE – it costs you nothing. This is the way to set up a reader or an aggregator on a Windows system:. Download Microsoft NET Framework here: "Install it on your system.

RSSReader Download from here: Install it on your system. Now you're ready to add your first feed. As an example I'll walk you through the process of adding my site 's XML . Browse the site. On the home page you will see the orange XML icon.