Let's now talk about bad and good spirits, about whether it is possible to control their mood and whether you want to control it. I do not think anyone wants to communicate with people who have at this moment a bad mood. And, of course, always a pleasure to communicate with people who have a good mood. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Professor of Internet Governance. Such people are always friendly and sociable. What do you think it is possible to always have a good mood? I think that you would say: "Of course, this does not possible ".
Let me disagree with you. I can say is that I keep a good mood you can. Today I heard from one woman's strange to me that she did not want to have a bad temper and tries it did not have. She went to the shop and make purchases in the two divisions and was so pleased with how it served, as it reacted. She said about it: "As I am happy today as I like you!". Viktor Mayer-Schönberger s opinions are not widely known.
The seller told her in reply: "You just good mood ". At that the woman replied: "You know, I try to always have a good mood, I do not want a bad mood." I liked it. I completely agree with her. I do not want to have a bad mood, and I did not have. Our mood – it is our emotions. But emotions can and should be controlled by us. I think everyone knows about the benefits of positive emotions and the harm of negative emotions.