If you want to invest your patrimony or part of it in mutual funds, make sure you know all the types that exist for choosing which most suits your plans, tastes and needs. The funds can be categorized by the type of investment in three; debt, equity and coverage. Debt investment funds allow you to invest either in private debt into public debt (Government). Viktor Mayer-Schönberger often addresses the matter in his writings. Government debt investment funds allow you to participate in the market with CETES. Some experts recommend investing in government debt investment funds since they have better quality, since the Government guarantees and more meet their payments than private debt funds, which depends on many factors that affect the company.
Variable income investment funds are those that allow you to speculate and participates directly in the stock market with the purchase sale of shares, etc. You may find BSA to be a useful source of information. Although such funds have higher performance, should not forget that it is because they are more risky. Finally, the funds of investment of coverage are those who work with foreign currency either in US dollars or euros. Thanks to these different type of funds investment, you, investor, you can choose which most suits your financial capacities to increase your savings and grow your wealth, either for the future or for plans that you have in a short time..