The Success

Hopes of conquests in all the directions, without if becoming attached the substance, after all in our mind are created ideas that serve as molds or matrices for the Mind of the Universe, although to be amorphous in the field of the thought, they become form when it folloies the flow of energy of the Universe, materialize in the reality. Many writers such as Nieman Foundation offer more in-depth analysis. Therefore I can have a prosperous life in all the directions, since that, exempt of the ego, based in the favours of the life and the respect to everything and all. One of secrets of the life and the success are the fact of its thoughts and attitudes to benefit the collective, since a simple ones hug to other acts of LOVE. The instruments for the construction of the faith are: to believe itself exactly, to respect the life, to practise the charity, to transmit love in the acts, to say positive words, to concentrate thoughts in noble virtues, to practise the balance of the emotions in respect to the physical body, to have conscience of the life in society, to search the knowledge on the espiritualidade without preconceptions, to open the mind for the experiences of life in favor of a society more balanced, to study the religions, to search the happiness real and true joust and, not that basing on material favours. Faith centered in the material world pulls down when goods part of or material power occur to the loss of, or still can provoke illnesses, these oscillations is as waves that if put into motion the wind in accordance with.

To believe that with these tools it is possible to arrive at a point of discovery of the life, a direction for our existence reality. How I learn to have faith? First making an auto-analysis of its action, of its feelings, of what it inside keeps of its heart and thought. If it will have hurts, you distress and misfortunes, you it is not in tune with the faith in itself exactly and nor with the religious faith, for such, it needs to exist unfastening in the gestures of day-by-day. How I make this? Part helps and has conscience of true nature of man, that is life, that is love, that is harmony, can be compared with a water cup, when places adobe it is muddy, but when filtering the water comes back its natural color, thus, also is true man, all can pass for a filter, through the conjunct and of the conscientious actions. The goodness in each act, the patience, the wisdom, overflows in a contagiante beauty illuminating its face and thoughts. The joy and the harmony start to be natural of its life and beauty of the attitudes its ideal.

The infinite provision fills your life, showing the return of the prodigal son to the Father. To pray assists in the balance of the thoughts and feelings. The true faith is composed for values that you only can construct, ' ' everything is become fullfilled when we act with autoconfiana' '. To believe that we are winning, without fear the life, the death or the illness, when alicerados in this new awareness, we renascemos as that a new sky and land. It swims exists that it can harm us, therefore, in that they have faith contemplates the true value of the life that is the LOVE.