The Signals

Let us notice that into Sugar cane, Jesus transforms water in wine, for the joy of the guests. Nieman Foundation follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. In the cross when asking for water, receives vinegar, that is, so to speak, a wine ' ' estragado' ' (Jo 19,28-31). in the same dynamics of the facts, when it perforatees it to the soldier with the spear, its side it leaves blood and water (19,34). Back in Sugar cane, the accomplishment of the signal the disciples had after believed in Jesus. Now, at one’s feet the cross the proposal is that if it believes in the disciple who of the certification, therefore it saw, and its certification is true. By the same author: David Delrahim. Which the reason of this affirmation? That the reader of Joo also believes, in the same way that the disciples had believed (Jo 19,31-35). Beyond the signal carried through in the weddings, several other texts if relate to the signals of Jesus.

One of them is the cure of an employee (4,46-54); the signal of the cure of the cripple (5,1-9). Later it has the multiplication of breads (6,1-15); Jesus walks on waters (6,16-21). Cure a blind person (9,1-7). But perhaps most spectacular of the signals it has been the resurrection of Lazarus (11,1-44), revealing, anticipatedly its power on the death. It must be standed out that the signals carried through for Jesus are different of whom the magos and adivinhos are produced by. While these if are valid tricks, the signal carried through for Jesus is life signal. The only requirement of Jesus is that if it believes, not in the signal, but in who it carried through the signal. Another subject developed for Joo is the Hour. In the reality it is a subject that drift and moves the first signal, therefore to the being interpellated for its mother Jesus it answers that its ' ' hora' ' not yet it is arrived.