
Warhammer 40,000, also known as Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 40 000, or simply – 40k or even Waha is a fantasy universe, created by designer company Games Workshop by Rick Priestley in 1988. Warhammer 40,000 actually started to become popular in the 1990s with the third edition of the rules, now the game has its fifth edition. A short introduction into the universe of Warhammer 40k will take you to the brutal darkness the distant future, where there is only war! The universe of the 41st millennium – an unpleasant place, Humanity is spread among the stars and now has to fight for the survival of many threats, both from outside the empire, and within it. Xenos race trying to bring an end to humanity, the demons are moving from Eyes of Terror to the death and destruction of the human kingdom. The shadow of the big eater hovers over all of them to swallow the galaxy and the monstrous metal monsters awakened in the dead of their worlds, to bring distress living in names of their gods. The game Warhammer 40k, in general, is between you and your opponent, who set his armies on opposite ends of the table, which also adds some additional areas landscape to make the game a little more interesting.

The game can vary, but in general, a standard game of 1500 points will take 2 to 3 hours. Warhammer is usually played with a set of points that show the number of soldiers, tanks and vacant fields. Warhammer cast includes multiple dice. If you enjoy the thundering sound of falling – you have found a game that will bring you pleasure. There are different types of actions that you can make in the game, you do not constantly try to beat your opponent's army. There are some games where an army set in the middle of the table, and the second mounted on one end, must make its way to the other end of the table to finish the game. You can make a game in which there are certain objects on the table that you want to capture and hold in order to win. This may be a fuel base, damaged aircraft, building, etc.

Or you can arrange a game on hold position on the type of the Alamo, when one side has a lot more points than the other, but you have to determine how long the weaker party will be able to hold. The list of things you can do, and continues in a duel with your opponent, and the small military patrols, which are involved in full-scale battle. Modeling and painting are also important in Warhammer. There's nothing more enjoyable than a well painted army put on the table, which everyone will enjoy and admire stupid. With the advent of 28 mm models, the job of coloring has become quite difficult and requires effort. There are many good books and articles on the Internet that can help aspiring painters with this aspect of their hobby. Main thing to remember in the coloring – it's patience and perseverance. Perhaps you have Nothing will come today or tomorrow, but someday you will be able to paint a beautiful miniature, if you continue to work.