From the next day 15 December 2012 until January 8, 2013, will take place in the plaza de San Antonio de Cadiz, the IX fair professional craftsmanship.IX Feria professional of the craftsmanship of Cadiz from our Monte Puertatierra hotel, one of the best located in the city, hotels in Cadiz may reach this far a walk or by public transport. As in previous editions, expected the same of influx and sales success. That marks the event with this fair organizing municipal delegation aims, on the one hand the dynamization of the artisanal sector in Cadiz. Thus, artisans of the city have preference in the allocation of stand, although there are many other Spanish cities from artisans are interested for weeks by the participation in the same. Another objective is to increase the number of direct sales of the producers of handicraft, dates of undoubted importance, by massive buying gifts that occurs. Finally, the made of artisans from other cities to come, causes a competition that leads to the desire for improvement necessary to achieve a higher quality product if it fits.