That one that is only worried about the profits, generally, tends to have minor group conscience and it little matters what he occurs much less with its community with the society. The number of that they work aiming at the income primordially is very great, thus making with that the classrooms look for to defend against the embezzlement of its concepts, tutoring the work and watching over so that one fights encarniada it does not occur in the dispute of the services, therefore they are vulnerable to the individualism. The group conscience has appeared more for interest of defense of what for altruism, therefore guaranteed the work freedom, if not to regulate and to tutor the behavior, the individualism can transform the life of the professionals into aggression reciprocity. Such fight almost always is processed in virtue of the ambition of ones on of others, and that on behalf of these ambitions, they can be practised, for example, secrecy in additions. The guardianship of the work is processed for the way of the requirement of ethics imposed through the professional advice. The norms must be condizentes with the diverse forms to give the service to organize the professional for this end. The professional behavior, many times, can become aggressive and inconvenient and this is one of the strong reasons for which the ethics codes almost always search greater abrangncia. Thus, to the one relating in them to the classroom, to the social one, in them we do not report only the isolated situations or particular models, but the general situations. The wild egoism of few can reach an expressive number of people and even though to influence the destination of nations, leaving of the absence of virtuous behavior of powerful minorities, worried only about its profits. We know that the behavior of the human being can tend to the egoism, but, for the interests of a classroom, of all a society, is necessary that if accomodates to the norms, because these must be supported in virtue principles, thus the ethics has been the way just and adjusted, for the general benefit.