Maxim Kavun

But among scientists and ethnographers firmly entrenched the idea that information about the underground maze of little more than a beautiful legend. What was the purpose of the maze? Was there any? Maxim Kavun: – The first version is as follows. Other leaders such as Boy Scouts of America offer similar insights. To supply water to the city on the hill, Potemkin has developed a special program on the device of water, subsequently lost. On the mountain, near the intersection of this street and avenue Charles Furmanov Marx, on his orders had been dug swimming pool 30 m deep. In it, according to the memoirs of contemporaries, not just fall residents commute in the dark to the river. Underground tunnels, dug from the Palace of Potemkin, as time and represented a system aqueducts, permeates the mountain. According to the second version, the underground passages were "highlight" of many parks in the XVIII century manor. By unwritten code, from home to a pond located on the island or the pavilion would have to several underground labyrinths.

And do not for security purposes. Similar games fun hosts and their guests. It is not excluded that this is how things were in Yekaterinoslav. Maxim Kavun: – One move was to the Dnieper River, where, among rock grotto was constructed, from which you can seamlessly cross over to the monastery island. Potemkin hoped that Catherine is delayed in its capital city for several days, and pre-prepared than to entertain and amaze the sovereign guest. These outputs are often observed in the 19th century. The second course conducted through the beam to the wooden palace of the governor and bishop's house, located on the only street constructed by Potemkin at near current the hotel "Sunrise".

Hambo Lama

The first head of the Buddhist church was born in 1702, lived for 75 years, leaving, promised to return to his disciples. In 1852, 75 years after Zayaev death, was born Itigelov. He also lived for 75 years. Details can be found by clicking Dr. Neal Barnard or emailing the administrator. And back to us again after 75 years. That is four times the number of repeats 75. When Itigelov took over as Hambo Lama, the parishioners Tsongolskogo datsan, flooded in floods, appealed to him to define a new place to build the temple.

He pointed out the place, saying that there is buried the bell and vajra Zayaev. And there's really found his personal belongings and later built a new datsan. So, for believers it was undisputed reincarnation of first Hambo Lama Zayaev. Several years ago, Lama Zhargal Dugdanov among the thousands of books stored in Devazhin-Duganov Ivolginsk Datsan, discovered previously known manuscript Itigelova. At five pages in the Tibetan language, he tells 12 of his incarnations over several thousand years: five in India, five in Tibet, and two in Buryatia.

Itigelov tells how in a past life Zayaev being, he presents in the form of alternate offerings of gold, silver and coral Dalai Lama, the Panchen Lama and Buddhist deities and receive from them information about their previous lives. "If this book was made even a discrepancy, he would never have achieved eternal body, "said Hambo Lama Damba Pandito Ayushev. Existence is not usually perceived by the senses of human contact and confirmed Itigelova Ganzhur Lama Radnaev, one of the most respected astrologers in Buryatia. All occurred findings related to the name of a great lama, there have been no accident and not only as a result of purposeful work of llamas and staff of the Institute, and in largely due to the manifestation of the phenomenon Itigelova. Recall that in recent years in Ulan-Ude, in Ivolginsk, Horinskom and other regions of the texts were found written by him, the sacred vessels and other objects of worship, allowed sufficient detail to reconstruct his life and the chain of previous incarnations. For example, Buryat lamas maintain that they followed his five Tibetan and five Indian lives, while one of them He received teachings from the Buddha Sakyamuni. They drew near to the solution and other mysteries Itigelova precedent. As it turned out to end their way of life for two years Lama deliberately reduced the weight of his body. As for not physiological, and spiritual aspects of the phenomenon of incorruptibility, it was the result of a direct apprehension of the Void – the great reality of all phenomena. Seven times a year, a large Buddhist holidays, arranged for Itigelova huge queue. Some of worship even feel his touch. Lama speak of many miracles happening around the "Jewel of the body." Including the magic of healing people who were able to see Hambo Lama Itigelova. When Itigelov returned to us, really was a kind of solace Russia – to end the war in Chechnya, local civil wars in large cities for property, stable economic development and increasing importance of Russia in the world. Refute or substantiate the validity of such allegations is useless, the rational mind there totally helpless.

Fire Words

"Evans' common name. I do anything about it no thought. Source: Boy Scouts of America. I'm not going to bury here some dogs. I just could safely call it Smith or Jones. What can I say? Many of your theories are plausible. Get all the facts and insights with Dr. Neal Barnard, another great source of information. If you know how often I check the section FAQ POLL, can hope that one of the other issues will be selected in the first place (in the FAQ POLL conducted the vote on the question of what Rowling will answer the following – approx. per.) Well, that's all, a car with fake numbers standing at the door and I stick spy beard.

Goodbye. As you Hermione say the word? (And here Rowling cites phrases where there are appropriate sounds, and you need to know how English words SOUND. Translate their VALUE – pointless. – Comm. Per.) – Like this: Gea + May + + or w This is usually the most common question that now sounds less and less, because I specifically made to teach Hermione Krum to say her name in "Goblet of Fire." You'll write more about Harry Potter after the seventh book? – If you mean additional stories – highly doubt it. I have enough stories for seven books, and I never planned to keep them on the seventh book. I might write an eighth book for charitable organizations, such as encyclopedias and explanations of words, and additional material not included in the book. Let's see … under the symbol "spoiler danger 'prophecy that Harry heard in the office Dumbledore suggests that the two – he and Voldemort – will die, right? – Professor Trelawney and I believe that the prophecies must be treated with great caution.

William Shakespeare

Especially often he remembered his main Teachers, of course, also in order to vividly reflect the fact that this man as his teacher, as the author knows, never to remember Socrates. And if someone finds itself on the assumption that it is familiarity with the legacy of Socrates inspired Shakespeare's solution to the problem of cognition itself, then completely refute this assumption may be turning again for the play "Winter's Tale." And just to once again not to injure the soul Shakespeare as a reminder that in this play do not understand its readers, the author does not point to the appropriate place in the play. Shakespeare, of course, met with the legacy of Socrates. Indeed, in sonnet 59 he just said he was looking for, not yet decided whether someone of "wise men of old," the task before him. And seeing that this problem Socrates, in fact, that not even decided that Shakespeare could not lose to him every kind of interest.

It is not excluded that the heat from the coals, which enclose Socrates devils in hell, added to the heat of shame, that Socrates is experiencing whenever, in the apt words of Solzhenitsyn, "obrazovantsy" commemorate his words: "All I know is that I do not know." Shakespeare is so faux pas does not make it. Learn more on the subject from Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. He simply play "Fruitless efforts of love" wrote: "… we know what we know." And he knew exactly, without knowledge of which no one would be a man, even when, as believed Confucius, he wants to. And then, respectively, in fact, did not know Socrates. "Brevity – the soul of the mind" – wrote William Shakespeare in "Hamlet." But in the annals of "Henry IV he did not mince words, to fully and clearly expressed its understanding that the first and essential prerequisite of the conscious and timely resolution of any problems in this world is complete and accurate understanding of its terms. In the play "Measure for Measure," and not by accident that in this play, he repeated again: "… all the difficulties become easy when they understood." And to understand the condition of the problem – so understand that we know.

Of course, but Socrates can find a great many other contenders for the fact that it applies to them the hint contained in the words of Shakespeare's play "The End – the cause of the crown": It is in vain … no reasonable words scattered, but sow, so adults and give fruit. But the author is willing to burn for ever and hell-hell, if someone will tell him that the issue of how wisely to sow reasonable, good, eternal, at least interested in Socrates. Of course, but Socrates can find a great many other contenders for the fact that it applies to them the reproach of Shakespeare, it made in the play "Fruitless efforts of love", "Ducks of his arguments woven subtle than the foundation of its conclusions." But the author, again, ready to burn in hell, if someone can show him what to Socrates, this reproach does not apply. But the point is that, remembering all this, have unwittingly poison the soul of Shakespeare. Therefore, the author of this note and limited, leaving all the other evidence that Shakespeare during his stay on earth to the spirit of Socrates could not stand at a time when Shakespeare will begin to understand.

Internet Businesses

Not necessarily to make businesses by Internet, is for " empresarios" with thousand companies. Finally everything has a principle, and nobody can deny that the great things arose from something small. When your you have interest, you have approach., and therefore the fruit of your interest will come! *3. – To look for information without supersaturating to us. In this time, I have seen as it is that the businesses by Internet, in fact are a very coarse subject, we can derrepente receive tons of information on the subject, but in truth is necessary always to be you allow of all the information to which we decided to expose itself. Nobody can receive one ton of weight on its head and take a walk calmly by the park as if nothing had happened. As well as in the common life, when we avoided the excesses is when in truth we managed to advance.

And in the businesses by Internet the same happens, the information must formarte and therefore; not sobresaturarte! *4. – Disernir between false and the true thing. Thus so what as makes the personnel takes care of who you in the window of a bank. They have been trained to recognize true tickets. If some false one were strained that way, of immediate this a would jump his seen, since that one ticket does not agree with the characteristics of a true ticket. In the same way, when deciding to make businesses by Internet you will be learning to disernir between false and the true one. Simply of entrance it is necessary to outside hechar the Chinese story of which you will be rich overnight when doing businesses by Internet. Simply we do enough when we so ignored that spent argument.

Nothing comes by magic art, but all profit comes as a result of everything a effort.! * 5. – Perseverar without desmayar. We see as well as it in an athlete, once the race has begun needs to maintain the rate of its step! It needs to run according to the distance that it has ahead. If it restrains its steps, simply it will happen enough: some of its companions will win. Also, to make businesses by Internet is as demanding as it is it a race for an athlete. All the effort that you print at first, must stay constant until the end! Of a time to the date I have seen examples of people who siemplemente have to me left of course truth: When assuming a challenge, you assume the challenge of perseverar and not desmayar! Hhaha I am arriving at the end of this my first article, and you will think: Everything comenzo with keys and I finish with a race, " and to tell the truth: that mezlca but so rare there am atrevio to publish! But in truth I am convinced of the intention of this and all post will be fulfilled not by the peculiarity of my examples, but by the value that can contribute all that one that it has decided to rise the boat and to begin to sail! Businesses by Internet are the vehicle, your you decide when it will be the principle of that route that hopes already! A hug very hard! Maggi Muoz Creative in Design Grfico and Emprendedora de Negocios by Internet. Original author and source of the article.

Religion As A Standalone System

The fact that religion (as well as ideology – the same Marxism, and scholars such as Confucianism), possessing minds, is a huge and very real physical force, there is no reason to doubt. Undoubtedly its major impact on man and society, history, culture, life and customs. What is the mechanism of this influence? As a religion and acts as a system? Religion as a set of beliefs, rites, cults, temples, priests, etc. occurs certain conditions of social existence, at a certain level of production and the whole economic structure. The changing conditions of life (we are talking about changes of a fundamental nature) provide the corrective impact on the forms and methods of religious activity, the essence of belief and worship, the nature of religious organizations. This is normal and natural, with no changes in the lifestyle sector of ideas as it freezes at a primitive level, such as demonstrate the religious ideas of, say, the Australian Aborigines.

However, the impact of radical changes in the production of a religion is by no means straightforward and automatic. On the contrary, it is largely depends on the organizational forms and the dogmatic structure that this or that religion has developed during its early development. In practice, this means that, once it has arisen and begun to form in these conditions by certain inherent structural principles is her, this or that religion – is a very autonomous system, evolving on their own, internally deterministic laws. External influences can only stimulate change and development of religion in one way or another, to encourage her to adapt to changing circumstances. At the same time, religion can greatly modified. On the basis of old ideas, beliefs and religious forms may be new, one system may be replaced by another, more developed and adapted to changing circumstances, more aptly relevant to the needs of society.

But even in this case new religion (or modify, radically reformed the old) is governed not only by direct exposure to the outside, as its own internally deterministic laws of development. Religion as autonomous system is closely linked to ethnic and cultural tradition, and this connection, at least at first, determines the firmness of its authority. Religion is based on tradition, that is, the experience of hundreds of generations, gives its standards sacred character and to make them a stricter standard of conduct required a stereotype. A national-cultural tradition, with its powerful conservative force of inertia creates the internal stability and resilience external factors that distinguishes a religion as a system and ensure its autonomy, its internal determinism. When incorporated with their own religious ideas and institutions into a single integrated system (Religion in the broadest sense), the tradition of creating a kind of impenetrable protective armor that protects the structure from its destruction by external forces. It is in this – the reverse effect of religion on life society, the nature of culture, in the course of history.

The Head

Educate future genius composer of art music basics next step – at least basic knowledge. It is impossible to know how to do some business, let alone love it, not knowing about it. Consequently, the next should be sufficiently knowledgeable in the music of a man who wants to train the "future of the genius composer of art" nuts and bolts of music. It also can be problematic. Ability and willingness to learn the beautiful music of Yes and this is not enough. Need more capacity and willingness to learn the beautiful music, to develop their potentialities.

I, like many who were born in the village, the possibility to fully learn music just was not for lack of teachers. Yes, plus younger and more "wind in the head", I want to walk. Musically gifted talent received his musical education: what to expect? All this has limited the musical inclinations. But suppose that a favorable confluence of circumstances of the case, and musically gifted and talented by nature man is in the proper condition and received his musical education. What's coming next? A talented songwriter wants to make money writing new music and the songs he wants to live, writing new music and songs, that is, doing what he knows and likes to do. And thus worthy of his talent, earning money for themselves and family. And where can I do? I must disappoint you, I do not know. At least not yet. I know many talented musicians who dropped out of the songwriting, arranging music for the sake of earning decent money in the market, at a construction site, etc.

Marilyn Monroe

So obviously all this stressing portraits Warhol radically at odds with the portrait tradition in which value of the portrait depended on how it seems given to the depicted individual rights. We see it in the bewildered, often hostile reactions of art critics at the portraits of Warhol. Despite the fact that the portraits were some recognition of the artistic community at the exhibition "Portraits of the 70s' at the Museum Whitney, custom portraits remain the same occasion for sarcasm, they are often taken as an example as the most vulgar manifestation 'Corruption' and 'prostitution' of the artist. Like much of Warhol created these portraits became an occasion for discussions on the status of art, the artist and for the substitution of the things people. These are the themes to which Warhol turned more In his early portraits of celebrities and were in fact inherent in his silk-screen technique. Silkscreen Warhol.

This method, based on reproductions of photographs to create the desired 'effect pipeline', not claimed presence of a living artist's model. As noted by Warhol, working with silkscreen, you take a photo, zoom, translate in the glue on the silk, and then fill it with black, so they soaked silk, but do not glue. Thus you get one and the same image, each time slightly different … The first experiments with silk-screen printing was the head of Troy Donahue and Warren Beatty, and when in the same month died of Marilyn Monroe, Warhol have had the thought to do pictures of her beautiful face – the first portraits of Marilyn. Because the initial phase of this picture – it is a correction of photos, not the person – not Warhol portrayed person, he created them. Artwork considered not in terms of relations with 'real person', but in relation with the process of reproduction, and therefore we can say that Warhol worked with the sample, rather than the original.