Maxim Kavun

But among scientists and ethnographers firmly entrenched the idea that information about the underground maze of little more than a beautiful legend. What was the purpose of the maze? Was there any? Maxim Kavun: – The first version is as follows. Other leaders such as Boy Scouts of America offer similar insights. To supply water to the city on the hill, Potemkin has developed a special program on the device of water, subsequently lost. On the mountain, near the intersection of this street and avenue Charles Furmanov Marx, on his orders had been dug swimming pool 30 m deep. In it, according to the memoirs of contemporaries, not just fall residents commute in the dark to the river. Underground tunnels, dug from the Palace of Potemkin, as time and represented a system aqueducts, permeates the mountain. According to the second version, the underground passages were "highlight" of many parks in the XVIII century manor. By unwritten code, from home to a pond located on the island or the pavilion would have to several underground labyrinths.

And do not for security purposes. Similar games fun hosts and their guests. It is not excluded that this is how things were in Yekaterinoslav. Maxim Kavun: – One move was to the Dnieper River, where, among rock grotto was constructed, from which you can seamlessly cross over to the monastery island. Potemkin hoped that Catherine is delayed in its capital city for several days, and pre-prepared than to entertain and amaze the sovereign guest. These outputs are often observed in the 19th century. The second course conducted through the beam to the wooden palace of the governor and bishop's house, located on the only street constructed by Potemkin at near current the hotel "Sunrise".

Public Competition

Although the intention in the construction of the fort was the repression to the contraband and, primordially to assure the ownership of the territory to the eves of the signature of the treated one to Idelfonso Saint (1777), the military there present age without expression, consisting of few canhonetas and very old equipment? two of which recently they had been recouped of the River Solimes and today decorate the quarter of the Command of Border of Exercito. Without a doubt that the military function was more symbolic than effective, being bigger part of the Portuguese to mark presence and to strengthen the beginning of uti possidetis for the construction of a line of blockhouses in the occidental confines of the colony of Brazil (AXE 1987 apud Notebook of the Public Competition of Tabatinga, 2006, p.1). Still with regard to the urban formation of Tabatinga through construction of forts, Moraes describes, Tabatinga is a Village of border between Brazil and Peru. It must to this circumstance the honor of being a military rank; but when it is looked at for the two or three small cannons in battery on the river, the house of taipa that it constitutes the rank and to the five or six sluggishly lying soldiers to its shade, has the right not to consider this blockhouse as formidable well. The Village, this situated one on a deeply excavated and cleft alluvium abrupt declivity in multiple directions, if composes in a dozen of houses in ruins in return of a central square. (MORAES, 2001, P. 82-83). Figure 02: Partial sight deTabatinga Source: Picture of Poul Marcoy, 1820 4,2 First urban formations of Tabatinga the first urban formations of the city of Tabatinga if must to the first seringueiros come of the valley of the river Javari in virtue of the fall in the prices of the Rubber, that is, in the first cycle of the rubber (1879/1912). .

The Signals

Let us notice that into Sugar cane, Jesus transforms water in wine, for the joy of the guests. Nieman Foundation follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. In the cross when asking for water, receives vinegar, that is, so to speak, a wine ' ' estragado' ' (Jo 19,28-31). in the same dynamics of the facts, when it perforatees it to the soldier with the spear, its side it leaves blood and water (19,34). Back in Sugar cane, the accomplishment of the signal the disciples had after believed in Jesus. Now, at one’s feet the cross the proposal is that if it believes in the disciple who of the certification, therefore it saw, and its certification is true. By the same author: David Delrahim. Which the reason of this affirmation? That the reader of Joo also believes, in the same way that the disciples had believed (Jo 19,31-35). Beyond the signal carried through in the weddings, several other texts if relate to the signals of Jesus.

One of them is the cure of an employee (4,46-54); the signal of the cure of the cripple (5,1-9). Later it has the multiplication of breads (6,1-15); Jesus walks on waters (6,16-21). Cure a blind person (9,1-7). But perhaps most spectacular of the signals it has been the resurrection of Lazarus (11,1-44), revealing, anticipatedly its power on the death. It must be standed out that the signals carried through for Jesus are different of whom the magos and adivinhos are produced by. While these if are valid tricks, the signal carried through for Jesus is life signal. The only requirement of Jesus is that if it believes, not in the signal, but in who it carried through the signal. Another subject developed for Joo is the Hour. In the reality it is a subject that drift and moves the first signal, therefore to the being interpellated for its mother Jesus it answers that its ' ' hora' ' not yet it is arrived.

Brazil Century

It is important to perceive that the necessity to colonize the land to protect it and to explore them its wealth had made with that the Government of Portugal installed the devices and producers of sugar in our coast, but this culture was selected by if dealing with a product of high value in the European commerce and by its increasing consumption in the Europe. Therefore, after the difficulties of its implantation, the money lack to mount the milling, to buy the slaves, to refine the sugar and, over all to carry it to the consuming markets from Europe, the sugar became the essential Brazilian product and was to the base of sustentation of the economy and the settling of Brazil during centuries XVI and XVII. Thus, it is given credit that in century XVIII, it had an emergency of the beet-sugar and the formation of the knowledge and the techniques for construction of a sugar industry on the part of the dutches, who had made with that our main product entered in decay and lost the consuming market for the European continent, and was for this reason that would finish the monopoly it sugar and would modify the politician-economic picture of the time in our country. Valley to stand out that to the competition with the dutches, the sugar has much time came more if decaying each time around its prices in the determined market to the step that the costs of the production only increased what it took the cotton to assume the place of exposition in the paraibana economy from century XIX, and as Acio Villar argued de Aquino: ‘ ‘ Of beginning competed, almost in equality conditions, the cotton little by little goes acquiring advantages on the sugar and before the ending of the first half of the century, already it appeared in first place in the exportations of the Provncia’ ‘..

The Colonial Family

The family in Brazil if became the foundation in the settling, therefore she inside constituted a organizacional nucleus of the apparent disorganization. The Portuguese arrives at Brazil creating, in a diverse tropical climate of its, having that to adpatar to the ground infertile due the proper geography of the territory, to the feeding of the wheat for the cassava, entering in contact with the natives, if mixing, miscigenando. The lusitano loads the mentality medieva with its dogmas, however it acts of different form of its thought, as a precocious iluminista, therefore the colonizador is plastic, perhaps had the region of where it came and the contact with other cultures. Arriving in the new territory the Portuguese search to explore the ground, applying the cultivation, if not regimentando a State, but yes the gentleman-of-device (particular) and in way the miscegenation and the hybrid characteristic lusitano it, occurs the sexual intercursos and the cultural amalgamento, not forgetting African introduced it as man power. Thus, if it molds the patriarcal familiar model in Brazil, when the native (called aboriginal), the colonizador (called Portuguese) and the African join themselves (called enslaved).

It is not the State or the individual that has the domain, but yes the families who are born of the great houses, where if molds since boy ' ' archetype Mr.-of-engenho' ' , with its sadist tricks and its relations of domain, that go since the aggressive yokes until intercurso sexual sadomasoquista. Therefore it is necessary that in a society escravocrata the escravistas relations are propagated, and observe such behavior, even though in the relations closest, being able to deduce that the escravista system in mago of the society was regimentou. As it displays Gilbert Freyre, ' ' the family, not it individual, nor neither the State nor no company of commerce, is since century XVI the great colonizador in Brazil, the productive unit, the capital that tames the ground, installs the enslaved farms, purchase, oxen, tools, the social force that if unfolds in politics, consisting in the more powerful colonial aristocracy of the Amrica.' ' (FREYRE, 1981: 92).

Brazilian States

The crown – mural golden, above of the blazon is an item used in the Brazilian heraldry, as convention for the capitals of the Brazilian States. Some capitals adopt the same part. But it is important to remember that a standard does not exist, or an only style. It is necessary to only possess five towers, in which each tower has a door filled in the black color, and yellow-dark the golden color or for its reproduction. In the superior and central part of the shield we find one old symbol, that corresponds to a blazon model that Teresina adopted that it was exactly the shield of weapons of the family Hail. Thus remembering, the founder of the city of Teresina, the Doctor Jose Antonio Hail.

In heraldry, it is rule not to eliminate old symbols, the same it must remain in complete or the estilizados ones. was exactly this that happened in the elaboration of the blazon, the symbol remained integrally. The anchors remember in the Blazon that the foundation of Teresina, must it the fact of the navigability of the rivers Parnaba and Poti, with the transference of the population of the Old Village of the Poti for the place where if it raised the city of Teresina. In the inferior part of the shield, it exists a blue area and some silver-plated traces that the river Parnaiba represents, in which in its edges was established the current city of Teresina. In the exterior ornaments we remos, of black color crossed remember them the fluvial, only navigation of transport half of that they at the time made use the populations of the province of the foundation of Teresina; Below we remos of them exists a red band that possesss the Teresina name, in silver-plated letters and the date ' ' 16.08.1852' ' , that Each color in the blazon is exactly the day of the foundation of Teresina represents something.

Archaeological Accompaniment

In the continuation of the sounding it was possible to characterize the structure, and its tipologia of construction (to see tipologia of structure 1). The structure identified in the continuation of sounding 2 (structure 2) meets, partially, under a wall of property division. The observed estratigrafia is similar to the described one in sounding 1: UE 05? Homognea land layer and compacts, of dark chestnut coloration. It has covered layer 06 (it corresponds to UE 02 of sounding 1). UE 06? Layer of chestnut coloration, with oxide intrusion.

It has covered layer 07 (it corresponds to UE 03 of sounding 1). UE 07? Layer of clay, acinzentada coloration. It is in this layer that seats the foundation of the structure (structure 2). In the continuation of the interventions they had been exhumed material of chronology Contemporary common ceramics associates (fragmentos, faiana, glass and loia type ' ' Sacavm' '). They had been, still, characterized and registadas (photographic, topographical and graphical register? alado) the remaining structures identified in the cuts of hollowing to the Pk? s 0+500 (structure 4) and 2+700 (right edge? structure 3). 5.

Consideraes Final In May of 2009, through verbal information of a proprietor of lands next to the PK 2+725 and PK 2+700 of the Definitive Access of the Left Edge, Equipa of Archaeological Accompaniment had the information of the two existence of ' ' agueiros' ' (canalizations) that there they passed. In September of 2009, during the works of construction of the related access, two granite structures had been identified in hollowing slopes for water conduction, nominated between PK 2+675 and 2+700, confirming the collected verbal information in the place. To Pk 0+500 it was, also, identified the one existence ' ' agueiro' ' , whose mouth of entrance can be identified in elapsing of the archaeological prospection in involving lands. After it visits to the place for the Guardianship, was praised, as measured of specific minimizao, the accomplishment of archaeological soundings of evaluation.

General History

However, as for the evaluated subject, feudal system, was not perceived any loss of content differentiates that it of excessively. On aspects of bigger relevance, it was not possible to observe, of the authors, aiming to any preferential thematic axle. The diverse subjects are boarded with equanimidade, leading in account the abrangncia of each one of them. How much to the form as this period of the history of the humanity it is presented the pupils, we have few exceptions to make, and for such we will go to detach stretches of the analyzed workmanships in order ' ' pontuar' ' these rare comments: ' ' Throughout the medieval period, it was become fullfilled integration enters the structures of the Roman world and the germanic world (barbarous), what inteiro.&#039 prepared the beddings of the world; ' (grifo ours)? book All History General History of Brazil History (p 97). What in them it seems, when attributing to the germanic people to the condition of ' ' brbaro' ' , the author passes the impression of that if it deals with a people who conquered its position in the feudal society through the war or acts of barbarity.

It would have been important, in order not to cause dbias interpretations, to clarify of that it forms such conquest occurred. ' ' We must still remember that medievo and feudal system are phenomena of the Europe occidental person. The eastern Empires Arab, Bizantino and Persa and other peoples had not known such form of organization of vida.' ' book All Histria_ General History of Brazil History (pag 97). In this stretch, the impression that we had, was of that it had a conceptual mistake, since Average Age is a period of time that is common to all humanity, in any part planet, not being able to be equivalent it the organizacional system that commanded the feudal society at this time. ' ' Basic the social conditions of the feudal society were in service Sir and. Mr.

possua the land and the servant and withheld the power militar.' ' (grifo ours)? book All History General History of History Brazil (p. 98). ' ' The servitude is a relation of superior work generally considered to the slavery. In contrast of the slave, the servant is one ' ' man livre' '. It was not property Mr. ' ' (grifo ours) History Conscience of the World (p 168). Probably, in a deepened analysis more, we would find divergences similar, that must occur in reason of the used bibliography, for each author, for consultation and posterior orientation in the elaboration of the didactic workmanship, however, is not inside of our objectives to make this type of boarding, even though for considering that such fact does not compromise the quality of the presented content, since in History does not exist absolute truth. For last, we conclude that the workmanships that we use for our comments, take care of to the proposals for the cycle the one that had been destined. The study of History it must gradually be inserted in the pertaining to school environment and to be leveled its white public, leaving a deepened vision more for the cycles most advanced, or even though specialized.

North American

Until Brazil if involved in the conflict, the country was remained in the neutrality in order to inside prevent internal bigger conflicts of the domestic territory. Still in this I capitulate tells question of the involved Amaznia in this world-wide conflict. With the conscription of ' ' soldiers of borracha' ' the Brazilian government looked for to cure the problem of dries north-eastern, therefore the northeasterns had been the main man power. Great part of them died of illnesses as malaria or for influence of the atrocities of the forest. The survivors had been in the Amaznia for not having money to pay the trip in return, or because they were become indebted with the seringalistas (owners of the serigais). In the third chapter, the measures will be pointed that will result in the construction of the Air base of Amap: the decree that authorizeed the construction of the base, as well as the dispossessions necessary to establish a North American base in the neighborhoods of the village of Amap. Soon later, the vision will be dealt with the population before the situation, beyond the convivncia between North Americans and the local population; the modifications in the landscape in result of the construction of the base; the progress of the region; the contact of the population with new ways of life, more specifically, other types of foods; the constant tension (or not, as we will see) lived by the local population. Still the actions will be detached military where effective of the base they had acted, as for example, the sinking of the submarines German U-590 and U-662 no longer context of the overturn of the allies in the Second War. Certifications of people will be pointed out who had lived deeply the events. Finally, we will see what the end of the war represented for the people, as if it gave the delivery of the air base for the Brazilian government, the destination of the workers who had come northeast to work in the base, that now, with the deactivation of the base, they had that to look another job, and what it was made to preserve the installations of the base.


Only from the moment where it will have its part in the construction of the memory is that those events will make pra sensible it and feelings will bring it. The colors, the dreams our vision possess cells with two polar regions, whose only dendrito is fotossensvel, the cones are responsible for the colors and the rods are the ones that function in the dark one. In fact, the rods need little light very to catch the image. The rods see all ash, repleto of tonalities, are truth, but in them they bring information unprovided of colored and therefore they compel the brain to decode the emotions in other ways. Waltz with Bashir starts in compelling to use the rods and compelling our brain if to adapt, to use other codes to interpret the scenes that if follow. In the start we see raging and cinereous dogs of some species running for the street.

They come hatred blind people, without a defined target, as if the proper hatred was enough to them. The teeth are arreganhados. It has the sound, the noises, the integration of the directions to be alert. The dogs pass for diverse people without name. It is the expectation to know who will be the target of these full animals of hatred. To the measure that goes running for the city cachorros if they join to the group until matilha to complete the total of 26. The group of 26 cachorros stops in would carry of a building and starts to bark. At last, a man there of the high one, appears in the window, looks at quickly and adds. This is a dream that the friend of Folman has all the nights. The dogs come, run, knock down and stop under of its window, Twenty years after the war and of the profusion of images caught for cones and rods the brain of its jeitinho to say that those souvenirs had continued there and that if cannot simply embed events of the dimension of a war as if had occurred.