European Union

Secondly it rescues Greek, " in time " The German minister of Finances, Wolfgang Schuble, affirmed on the other hand that the second plan of rescue of Greece will be ready " in time " , that is to say, before half-full of September when Greek government will need another injection capital. " The following section is predicted for half-full of September and for that we needed a new program that it must be approved like very behind schedule at some time of second half of agosto" , it affirmed in press conference after participating in the Cabinet of Finances of the European Union (the EU). " We do not have long time but we have the sufficient one to work in this program of concientious way and intensiva" , it affirmed Schuble, that explained that the Eurogroup took east Monday for the first time time to analyze and to approach of way " very franca" all the models and proposals to imply to the sector deprived in the rescue, and its participation will be safe. Additional information at Charles R. Kubic supports this article. Proposals and Schuble solutions did not want to enter explaining the different proposals that are on the table, because it considers that " already there is sufficient restlessness in mercados" and that the politicians do not have to foment the speculations. That yes, equal of forceful that Elena Salgado, affirmed that " one will work now in the solutions and I am safe of that we will have ".

In addition, it stressed that all the options, including the one to emit euro-bonds, will be analyzed jointly and that a decision will be taken in time, before the payment of the next section from aid to Greece. Filed under: WHO Timeline Statement. " Sustancial&quot will be no new program without private participation; , the German minister reiterated, who said that he did not have sense to speak to duplicate the grant of the rescue bottom if the problem is not abashed of how Greece can reduce and improve the sustainability of its debt. For that reason, he said, the Eurogroup has proposed to extend the maturity dates and to reduce the types of interest, as well as to make flexible the bottom of present rescue. Schuble indicated that the ministers did not speak much on the situation of Italy, because they consider that there is to solve the Greek problem that is behind the turbulences in the markets. To know more about this subject visit Cancer Research Institute. The German holder of Finances reiterated his confidence in the plan of Italian adjustment and in which he will approve it shortly to the Parliament. Source of the news: Spain and Germany think that there will be an European solution in time that avoids the Greek bankruptcy

Electoral Campaign

Its electoral program will coordinate exministro of Work Jesus Boiler. Zapatero has requested the support closed of all the party towards Rubalcaba. The secretary of the Political International of the PSOE, Valencian Elena, will be the coordinator of the socialist campaign for the next general elections, with Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba as candidate and whose electoral program will be in charge to coordinate exministro of Work Jesus Boiler. Thus the Federal Executive has decided it east Monday, reunited in the Madrilenian soothes socialist of Ferraz under the presidency of the j of the Executive and Secretary General of the PSOE, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, and at the request of whom until now had been the coordinator of the electoral campaigns of the generals in the last years, White Jose. See more detailed opinions by reading what BSA offers on the topic.. The secretary of Organization, Marcelino Churches, has assured in press conference that the decision obeys to the convenience of having for the next electoral campaign to a dedicated person full-time to coordinate the electoral campaign, bearing in mind that White it will be centered in its province, Lugo, where foreseeably it will be list head. Meanwhile, ex- minister Jesus Boiler will be the coordinator of the electoral program, that will have its base in the political conference that the PSOE will celebrate days 30 of September and 1 and 2 of October and whose communication frame will write up ex- minister Cristina Narbona. Also it has indicated Churches that Zapatero has requested the support closed of all the party towards Rubalcaba and has insisted on the necessity to have to a PSOE mobilized around the candidate. Source of the news: Valencian Elena will coordinate the electoral campaign of Rubalcaba.

National Council

" It is not possible to be done nothing without peace and perdn" , Sarkozy at the beginning of the press conference declared that closed summit in which to delegations of 60 countries and international organizations participated to express their support to the National Council of Transicin (CNT). The French president advanced that one of the taken decisions unanimously went the one to restitute to Libyan the goods that had been congealed by the international community to the regime of colonel Muamar to the Gadafi. Unfreezing of million On the other hand, the participant countries in the conference in Paris of international support to Libya announced that the decisions taken in this encounter allow to the unfreezing " inmediato" of 15,000 million dollars in support to the population of that country. If you would like to know more then you should visit Boy Scouts of America. " The money turned aside by (colonel Muamar to) Gadafi and by its surroundings must return to the Libyans. All we have ourselves it jeopardize to unblock the money of the Libya of the past financing the future of the Libya of the present time " , it indicated French president, Nicholas Sarkozy, in press conference, detailing to begin that amount. In the joint declaration that picks up the conclusions of this appointment, it is possible to be read in fact that " it stops to allow the Libyan authorities to confront the needs of the population and to undertake immediately taking the effort to reconstruct pas" , the necessity remembered to put at the disposal of the CNT the goods congealed in the application of the resolution of the Security Council of the UN. Source of the news: Clinton asks the Libyan rebels who protect the reserves of arms that are in the country

Rwandese Patriotic Army

Justus Majyambere would have left Rwanda for days with the purpose of to realise in the USA some type of company of related to the military intelligence, extreme that has not been confirmed. Lawyer Jordi Palou, representative of the nine Spanish victims whose slaughters in Rwanda and the Congo investigate magistrate Andreu, thinks that the Rwandese traveled convinced that " he was not going to pass nada&quot to him; , dices the antecedents. One week ago, however, they jumped the alert and the National Hearing warned Palou, among others, of the accidental halting of this member of the Rwandese Patriotic Army (APR), led by president of Rwanda Paul Kagame. Request for extradition judge Andreu and INTERPOL Spain already has confirmed the identity of the prisoner and now they hope to that she gives it to the United States to the Spanish authorities to be able to initiate the process of extradition, that she would have to solicit, at the request of the magistrate, the Cabinet and to attend the Ministry of Exteriors contacting with the Department of American State. Palou thinks that the Spanish Government will make the proceedings necessary, since it is a subject that " directa&quot does rrencia; to the death of three Spanish citizens and because Majyambere was " inferior jerrquico" of Kayumba Nyamwasa, on which South Africa follows without notifying to day of today. There is no term so that The United States is pronounced although, if it does not do it, Palou explains that as much the families of the victims like the plaintiffs in the process, the Forum the International for the Truth and Justice in the Africa of the Great Lakes, will come to formally request to the embassy of the USA in Spain an answer and will insist to the Congress of the Deputies to that requests explanations.

Who is Justus Majyambere? captain Justus Majyambere was in 1997 an official of intelligence of brigade 408 of the Rwandese Patriotic Army, according to consists in the indictment of judge Andreu. A protected witness declared during the carried out investigation by the judge who the military man directed a fast pay service group and planned the strategy of operations that gave rise to the systematic murders of thousand civilians hutus in the Rwandese region of Ruhengeri and its environs (Gisenyi and Cyangugu). The three cooperators of Doctors of the world, M Flors Sirera, Manuel Madarazo and Luis Valtuea, knew of the massacres by the information that it provided a witness to them and they appeared to give medical aid. From that moment, they became an obstacle for the plans of the APR, that seted out then, according to the car, to force the international abandonment of NGO and other observers " of the northeast zone of Rwanda as well as the border zone with the then Zaire" in order to continue the attacks in the present Congo and in addition to come to the looting of resources like the Coltn. The decision to assassinate the Spaniards took the four military, among them Kayumba Nyamwasa, and they put in practice, designating executors, other two, among them Justus Majyambere. They realised, in addition, " an attack in cascada" to three NGOs to also conceal the slaughters and for " to generally terrify to emigrated and the population " . After that one, all the organizations and offices of United Nations fell back towards Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. Source of the news: The USA maintains prisoner to a Rwandese military man demanded to assassinate three Spaniards