Apocalisse XXI – Nuovo Surrealismo Italiano

An Italian group exhibition curated by Julie Kogler strychnine gallery presented under the auspices of the Italian of Cultural Institute in Berlin: Apocalisse XXI – Nuovo Surrealismo Italiano. curated by Julie Kogler. On October 8 from 19 h in the presence of the three artists for the first time, three of the most promising representatives of new Italian Surrealism are Vernissage together to see – in the exhibition Apocalisse XXI. Their artistic expressions correspond to the brilliant design principles of pop surrealism and neo pop art. They generate images and works in which dream world and reality in a large density of narrative tension melt together. In all works, certain elements emerge, which refer to the surreal 21st century phenomena and manifesting mostly in pictures from the realm of the subconscious mind for the Viewer. And yet it manages to put the observer the artists in an atmosphere of great magic and miracles. Desiderio, the winners of the Italian factory in the year 2008, has many Participated in exhibitions in Italy and abroad.

With his paintings, he brings the viewer over the threshold of the obvious and contemplating the society. Elio Varuna has been invited as the only Italian artist to Shanghai in the MoCA to the Animamix biennial 2009. The Roman artist trying to break on the paradox of the dichotomies of life by means of his works. Franco Losvizzero has in recent years on the international art market a made name for itself with its curious installations, in which he combines bone, objects of exotic cultures and anthropomorphic figures. Varuna, Desiderio and Losvizzero have 2009 together in the extensive group show Apocalypse wow! exhibited in the Museum of contemporary art in Rome (MACRO) and created a common Museum mural.

In “The Vault”: Jon Jaylo – to unmask the Enigma. Continuously from the local contemporary art scene as “Enigma” or “the social illusionist” titled, redefined the universal concept of Surrealism Jon Jaylo. Make the most of his current works a glimpse, not only the inner conflict of good and evil of man dar, but also a subtle revolution regarding the now decaying system of his country. He fervently believes that in the modern age, where not many people rely on knowledge from books, a certain domain of art like painting creates a direct effect. According to Nyein, the invisibility of the physical form is equivalent to the concept of universality. His works are blank, because it could be anyone, regardless of his status, gender, and race. In addition, the artist believes that three elements in his most recent artistic works apparently exist in all of us: pain, deceit and sin. And because of this inevitable human anomalies, he prepares an antithesis with his paintings, not only against the running of the system, but against anyone who misuses this for his own selfish advantage. The heart of the Viewer from slumber he wants social Rekindle the deception. As an astute observer of reality, he wants to change. He wants to share inspiration, knowledge and a wealth of wisdom. Jon Jaylos art is not only a rebellion on the modern art scene, but a revolution against the triumph of evil in man. Apocalisse XXI. An Italian group exhibition. Vernissage on October 08, 2010 from 19 h. The exhibition runs until 7 November 2010 opening times: Thursday Sunday 12: 00 18 o’clock. Strychnine Gallery Boxhagenerstr 36 10245 Berlin contact: Miriam Bischoff phone: + 49 30 97 00 20 35

Federal Commission

But the above does not exhaust all the scope of the sector of ICT in Mexico. The sector still has interesting areas to exploit such as electronic commerce. BSA helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. According to the National Institute of statistics and geography (INEGI), only 7.8% of Mexican Internet users perform online transactions. The ICT sector offers a high potential for development in Mexico. Already several domestic and foreign companies have realized this and are evaluating important investment plans. The Calderon government for its part, is conducting deep transformations in the telecommunications area, such as the opening of a telecommunications network of last generation (the 3 G technologies), through the optical fiber of the Federal Commission of electricity and the bidding process of the dark fiber of the same government agency.

The Mexican Government intends to also generate more competition in the mobile telephony segment. The Government had launched the sector development plans. One of them was the programme of development of the industry of software released for the 2001-2006 period which still in force and aims to achieve an annual production of software by a value of US $5 billion, making Mexico the leading Latin American country in the sector. Thus Mexico combines several factors for a favourable development of the ICT sector: an important and demand growing, advantages in terms of cost and skilled labor for the sector, and a public sector willing to support the development and expansion of the same. Among companies that are developing expansion plans to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the sector, is America Movil (BMV: AMX, NYSE: AMX, NASDAQ: AMOV), the regional giant’s cellphone from Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, who considers that in two or three years the Mobile Internet business will represent a fourth part of their income and for this reason it organizes your business around that goal plan. The TICs in Mexico sector promises a great development and evolution with a constant change in the size and composition of its members do great players that will emerge in the sector who will be Mexican ICT?

Kunstspoor Foundation

His work “The crab” presents a giant crab, which comes straight from the sea. You raises their fight funny Bat pliers. His tools consists of: a tidal calendar, clams and seaweed. He uses the time between high and low tide. In a suitable place, he draws the lines the preparatory drawing in the sand. Official site: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger. The contour lines are drawn with seaweed or the so-called black sand. The black sand is a material on-site, that knows how to tell no one. Lazy suspects that it is a by-product of the as.

The addition of the filler, the mussels takes place in laborious small work. After completion, he immortalised the temporary images until the tide it is rousing sweeping through across. The sea takes its toll and retrieve his property. He needed three to four hours for a work of art. The formation and presence of a work 7 1/2 hours, the format approx. 2.50 times exceed 4 metres. Their genesis, Apocalypse, and their photograph is among the works of art. His unique works of art survive WHITE SHELL GALLERY with his photograph.

Lazy65 creates a short-lived artworks. A work of art that goes by when the next flood or wind gust. Also this is one different art techniques and with the use of nature just the basic idea of the graffiti to life in the everyday. Nature as the antivirus part of soulless, cold time. The elemental force takes place the artificial color. Many artists, Kunstspoor settled on the island Noord-Beveland. Since 1999, there is the Foundation of KUNSTSPOOR Noord-Beveland, who every year puts a track end of August through the galleries and studios. Living on the island and working artists are allowed in the Ballotage method. The participation of artists owes his wife Diana Straetmans (Bodelier). Organizes his artistic companies, ensures that its presence in other galleries, by she establishes contacts with museums and galleries, planning upcoming exhibitions and has 2008 submitted its application to the Kunstspoor Foundation.

Laissiz Faire

This conclusion has its origin in the work of drooling them (2000), about the different types of communication networks. Networks are horizontal and vertical. The networks defined as horizontal, appear in the group, when there is egalitarian climate, that is, when each individual within the group is perceived as a full member, and as such, enjoys status of equality with respect to the other members.

This type of network, will include two subtypes: first, the network of circle, which exists in the groups whose work and power structures are truly democratic. The leader seeks in maintaining open communications among members. The second is the network of chains, typical in groups Laissiz Faire authority is exercised in a passive way, communications are set simply according to the attractions or similar affinities between the members. This prevents the integration of the group, communication makes, based on misunderstandings and ambiguities, which distorts relationships. Vertical networks, are seen in groups of work whose interpersonal relationships are hierarchical, and the lines of authority are defined in form pyramidal Summit is the Supreme authority.

Relationships are hierarchical in terms of subordination and domain. These are subdivided into: Y: network communications occur in an apparently democratic climate but on track to become autocratic, since certain members are realizing that one of them is dedicated to take control of the group, hoping the absolute power for himself. Open communications become closed, spontaneous become artificial. The network at a Conference: is characteristic of groups autocratic, within which the authority is focused on one single, this authority is exercised in an arbitrary manner and according to whether willingness. All communications are controlled by him.

The Habit

The State yergue, not only like guarantor, but like " padre" that it orders and it commands. The essential principles have been trastocados and no longer we worked deriving from them, now we acted on the parameters of the regime. So that if we transferred to policy terms present the word " colaboracionistas" , they are it what doubts fits those that have adopted the habits and behaviors of those who their adversaries consider. That is to say, in this lamentable country of today the social body copied the signs of the invader born from its own sine. It is possible to change the human subjectivity, for or or evil, and to change it towards some values than it has been the venezolanidad, the more the sum of cease of the egoism, of the implantation of social solidarity and of the abandonment of old theories like of trasnochadas theories, the multiplication of the voice of intelligence today induced sleep and thrown in a hammock is necessary. For example, the habit of the growth has been changed by the habit of the survival. The habit of the tolerance has been changed by the habit of the aggression.

The habit of not surrendering has been changed by the habit to orate offensive words and to announce violence. It is obvious that the conformation of habits and behaviors depends as much on the outside as of the interior. We know it to the outside in all tares, but the interior is shown a deep psychological fragility to us, a lack of densidad, a total vulnerability, an impressive lack of consistency in the Venezuelan prototype. Without a propitious inner world not internalizara the despicable outer world. Nor one would take place east circle of people with the new habits and behaviors constituting itself in the devaluated society. Consequently, it is necessary to explain and to introduce a new idea.

House Mirror

It is also ideal that we try to not appear rather than Cup and shower bath; We must put ornaments that you like, such as boxes, candles, plants, etc. In addition, they must save all very personal items, such as toothbrushes or creams, in a place where no one can see them. It should be noted that the fungi and the rusty are very negative, so it must be disposed of as soon as they appear. Another tip is to the reservoir of Bowl put is a large stone that do not intersect you inside contrary to harmony energies. * Her bedroom the best are those of wood because it helps our astral body to escape more easily. This does not happen when you sleep on a metal bed because it is a material that pulls much electricity for our body and locked us in many ways. Although in this case they can be to four legs a piece of wood or plywood that serve as insulation.

It is important to find the appropriate position to attach the bed according to the energy of the fourth and to find it we have to be very sensitive. This it must do every six months, that is when changing the power. The precise point can be located if one stops at the center of the room and puts arms perpendicular to body; These function as antennae and guide towards the place where to be placed. Another point to consider is that when there is no header, you must avoid hitting bed to the wall, because this prevents the movement of energy and causes an imbalance that affects our bodies. It is of the utmost importance also know that the so-called other side of the mirror is a reality, because these objects work as an interdimensional gateway to dark worlds. Therefore ideally have them with a framework of bronze, gold or silver that counteract this effect.

If you don’t have this framework, then can place a silver coin and ask him to serve as protection; We may also ask the help of our guardian angel. When a mirror is placed in the bedroom is usual to have nightmares, because through them are reflected those who want to do us harm or negative energies that live in our House. If ever we believe we saw something in a mirror, it is because we probably saw it. Nor is it advisable to cover it because it convenes a struggle with this. Once we can harmonize our home this way, then its energy inputs will work properly and we will achieve real advances in all aspects of our life as universal beings.