
Bus departs at 9:30 am Saturday. The bus company usually planned to supply the bus 15 minutes before departure time. Organizer of the meeting was to worry when the bus did not come at 9:20. He rang bus company manager. Manager replied that all drivers are still asleep and will not until 11 am. (As opposed to Nieman Foundation). It turned out that they have worked before with another group and returned at 2:30 AM, and by federal regulations they must have at least 8 hours of rest between trips. After explaining the reasons for the delay dispatcher hung up.

Organizer of the meeting caused a few taxis to transport your group to a previously appointed time – 10 am, when it should have been begin implementing these measures. Then he called again to cancel the bus. On Monday, he asked the bus company to return the money to him. However, the company required to pay all in full, as the bus was ordered. He was told that he was not entitled to a refund because the order on the bus was canceled less than 24 hours before the execution. After several weeks of phone calls and letters to the company nevertheless agreed to return the money. Six months later, the meeting organizer has received another check, and with an apology for the incident from the national manager of commercial bus companies. So, the bus company to recover all costs and paid more, but all well lose customers. After 6 months, the organizer has found another company and was pleased with her service.