House Mirror

It is also ideal that we try to not appear rather than Cup and shower bath; We must put ornaments that you like, such as boxes, candles, plants, etc. In addition, they must save all very personal items, such as toothbrushes or creams, in a place where no one can see them. It should be noted that the fungi and the rusty are very negative, so it must be disposed of as soon as they appear. Another tip is to the reservoir of Bowl put is a large stone that do not intersect you inside contrary to harmony energies. * Her bedroom the best are those of wood because it helps our astral body to escape more easily. This does not happen when you sleep on a metal bed because it is a material that pulls much electricity for our body and locked us in many ways. Although in this case they can be to four legs a piece of wood or plywood that serve as insulation.

It is important to find the appropriate position to attach the bed according to the energy of the fourth and to find it we have to be very sensitive. This it must do every six months, that is when changing the power. The precise point can be located if one stops at the center of the room and puts arms perpendicular to body; These function as antennae and guide towards the place where to be placed. Another point to consider is that when there is no header, you must avoid hitting bed to the wall, because this prevents the movement of energy and causes an imbalance that affects our bodies. It is of the utmost importance also know that the so-called other side of the mirror is a reality, because these objects work as an interdimensional gateway to dark worlds. Therefore ideally have them with a framework of bronze, gold or silver that counteract this effect.

If you don’t have this framework, then can place a silver coin and ask him to serve as protection; We may also ask the help of our guardian angel. When a mirror is placed in the bedroom is usual to have nightmares, because through them are reflected those who want to do us harm or negative energies that live in our House. If ever we believe we saw something in a mirror, it is because we probably saw it. Nor is it advisable to cover it because it convenes a struggle with this. Once we can harmonize our home this way, then its energy inputs will work properly and we will achieve real advances in all aspects of our life as universal beings.