Berries Water

In This is one of the secrets of home canning. Household supplies can be done many different ways: salting, watering, drying, pickling, candy and frosting. Any of these methods is good in its own way and appropriate for certain types of products and each of this method also has its little secrets. Here's an example: Each owner has a personal signature recipe for pickled cucumbers. For example, this: cucumbers select the same size, wash well and soak for an hour in cold water.

An hour later obstrich at the ends of cucumbers, the secret of the fact that the bank did not get the remains of cucumber flowers, because of this soft cucumbers are obtained. In the scalded boiling water over the bank put branches of dill, currant leaves, horseradish, densely stacked cucumbers and fill the jar with boiling water. Close the lid and give a sterile stand five minutes. After that, the water discharged into the pan and add 2 tablespoons spoons of salt and 1-6 tablespoons of sugar (this is who he loves) and bring to seething. In the bank add the garlic, peppercorns, bay leaf and a tablespoon of vinegar. Quickly and fill up to the top with hot brine, rolls up the bank. Next the secret of crunchy cucumbers is: jar turned upside down, duvet covers at night, and then remove for storage in a dark place. These cucumbers may be stored at room temperature.

When canning tomatoes if you want to not burst elastic fruit with a toothpick to pierce the stem. Get a jam with whole berries, do not lose shape is also extremely easy to know the secret – do not stir it with a spoon, so easily crush the berries. Should shake a bowl of jam in their hands for better mixing and jam is not at one time, and at intervals of 4-6 hours, for the best berries soaking syrup. If you love pickles, but never rolled no one of the banks with their own hands, be sure to start. Give the word, the result is you'll like!