Research Land

When I say ‘ ‘ ns’ ‘ I am including all without distinction: formal education, to be able public, great companies, civil society, rich countries and poor eoutros. Consideraes final Is evident, therefore, that the EA, as a educaoholstica of the citizens, it is facing great challenges in the attempt of umasubstancial transformation. For being the so complex nature, a science is impossible queapenas obtains to explain all its especificidades. What obrigaprofissionais of all the areas to be worked together, becoming the EducaoAmbiental a transversal subject, as it is treated by the PCNs. Thus being, the paper d@ profess@r as motivad@r, is to foment ideas and aesconcretas, through pedagogical practical its, of its behavior, the suasprodues and its procedure. That is standed out that the State has primordial paper in this tarefardua of improvement of the quality of the education and the applicability of the laws, that orase finds as cake prescription, not yet was made. Is to have dainiciativa private public and the sistmica boarding of the ambient questions, consequently, to prepare the citizens for the new eresponsvel ethical paradigm that the necessary humanity to ahead have of its house/land.

compassion for the land. .