The Formation

This takes to classifications that rest basically in the processes and qualities in which they take part, and thus we have, for example: – Toys for visual and auditory concentration. – Toys for the perceptual discrimination. – Toys for the development of the activity with objects. – Toys for the formation of the fine movements (pressure, takes hold, etc.) – Toys to stimulate the heavy motilidad. – Toys for the development of the language. – Toys for the generalization of relations. – Toys for the stimulation of positive emotions.

– Toys for the sensorial development. – Toys for the stimulation of the associative processes. – Toys for the formation of representations. Another similar classification, in the conceptual line of H. Page, is the following one: – Toys for the development of the vigor and the motor skill. – Toys for the constructive and creative actions. – Toys for representation imitation. – Toys for the social unfolding.

– Toys for the artistic ability: arts and manualidades. – Toys for the knowledge acquisition. – Toys of scientific interest and mechanical relations. – Hobbies or I interest cognitive special. These classifications have a foundation conceived basically to the stimulation of certain processes and qualities, but they do not contemplate all the potentialities susceptible to be stimulated, nor all the areas of development. However, its main conceptual principle, to stimulate the own psychic or physical actions, that mean the essence of their approach, constitutes a right direction in the study of this problematic one, and it is related closely to modern positions, in which they can be linked of very natural way. According to BORJA (1980) and LIBRECHT (1987) the criteria to include at heart playful toy of the Toy library must respond to four caracterstcas: – Pedagogical. – Recreational. – Solidity. – Practitioner. Original author and source of the article