Melinda Gates Foundation

But it is more It is important to leave better children to our country. In one of his books Corentt for example says that if he met a painter and want to help you best is provide skills so it is agencie media work and then offer you a good price for a quality paint. Slim reiterated his stance that the best way to combat poverty is creating jobs. Corentt insists that it is important that everything be given, should generate development non-dependence. Dependence impoverishes all but in different ways. However, Slim is not against charity. Hundreds of millions of dollars has contributed to his Foundation and he has funded millions of dollars in joint ventures with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation projects. Its position seems to be that society would benefit more if wealth was invested in enhancing the energies and creative talents to companies that create jobs rather than give cash raise.

It is the version of billionaire of the 21st century of the old adage if you give a man a fish will eat one day, if it teaches you to fish will eat all life. The article ends with the following: raises two good questions, which I have played one increasingly greater amount of entrepreneurs wealthy. They would do more by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett society if they turn their time and money to new companies rather than financing works of philanthropy? Has philanthropy solved any important social problems in 50 years? The foregoing you may remove a couple of questions for yourself. This article try to provide answers. From the Sage who said teaching him a man to fish and he will not have hunger in their life, up to Corentt and others who say that the best way to help the poor is to return them rich. And before rich others need you to search their own wealth.

Contrary to what may be much believe everything begins in thought and in his book I am happy, I am rich, Corentt shows everything you need so you enrich to the other and yourself starting from the level of thought. Single reading will become millionaires many in your world and yourself. But nothing will get free. You must read it and think and enrich known more easy and honest way.

Mike Dillard

And all this creates a huge confusion. The multilevel arise and disappear at breakneck speed which is the only thing that are causing terrible confusion in people who really are looking for an opportunity that will make him free financially. Desertion is the cause no. 1 in the disappearance of multilevel and only a few manage to have a high residual income by continuous recruitment capacity that they have, in fact is the only way of combating desertion. With this I do not mean that I am against the MLM industry, for nothing. I know that many people live 100% of this industry and not only lives but that going them great but be careful there are few those who reach that level.

The vast majority fails it, point. Surely you ever felt identified with these lines that you share, and if you have not obtained results in your company, believe me that is not your fault. It is the lack of information from the leaders who only know repeat what their leaders told them to do. In fact, Mike Dillard (the largest icon globally in the business of network marketing) ensures that the residual income as a way to achieve financial freedom, has definitely died and all thanks to the Internet. The most important thing is not the MLM company that you are, it is not the program’s affiliate marketing that you promote or the business of direct sales you promote not.

THE most important ERES TU, your person, own your name and brand the plus of valuable information that you are able to give to the people. So you can have success in the Internet business you have to start to distinguish you from what does 99% of the people. You have to create value for people. While everyone promotes miraculous compensation plans, vitamin products wonder, affiliate programs, etc. a few we are dedicated to give information of value to the people who follow us. Why do? I have to join this or what MLM opportunity that offers me a stranger that is espameando my email address if I do not know him and not know anything about him or should I associate myself to that same opportunity that my new Facebook friend gives me if the two have exactly the same nonsense of compensation plans and great pre-release? In conclusion, you have to build a relationship of friendship and business and give educational information of value to the people, before offering them any business, product or opportunity.If you want to know more about this topic, please visit my Blog and sign up to the free training that I offer to my subscribers. There you will find information, resources and invaluable tools that will make you start your business in a professional manner. Original author and source of the article