Card Usage Abroad

Pay with a bank card or credit card outside of Germany and most Bank customers withdraw money have a bank card and in many cases also a credit card. However, few people know whether charges apply when using the card abroad and how high they are. Usually the settlement in the form of some ugly charges points on the account statement will come after the holidays. To find out about the conditions of his bank is relatively easy. It is enough to enter the database name with the term “Price – list and services” in a search engine and look at the first results. /a>.

Usually the fee information in the form of a PDF file are available, which can be opened in the browser window. The fees of the cards can be found in the section “Maps” or “Credit cards”. A related site: Dr. Neal Barnard mentions similar findings. Fees when you pay with the EC card or credit card in the euro area is not known to what many bank customers: payments within the European Monetary Union – in all countries using the euro as currency – no card fees for the consumer on. Logically, no Exchange in a foreign currency is required for payments in euro. Within the EU also the normal bank card acceptance is quite good, so that a credit card is not required. Fees when you pay with the EC card or credit card in a foreign currency will be paid in a foreign currency, so a foreign usage fee or even foreign currency fee accrues. The fees are set by the Bank or the card company, but are in most cases on a similar level. At most banks, the foreign currency fee of the bank card is bank card (Giro card or Maestro) at approximately 1% to 1.75%.