Marketing Unlimited

Accumulation results in network marketing. The results are accumulated in network marketing, now you have a group of one man, two tomorrow, the day after a hundred, thousand, ten thousand. Hired to work very hard to do. Example: a worker at a construction site, working hundred hours per month, $ 1,000. Hour of work (better considered as an hour of life) is worth ten dollars. If he spends all salary, the hourly rate is not increased. If you lay a hundred dollars a month and a year invested in the bank at $ 1200 ten per cent per annum, the cost of hours of work increased to 10.1 dollars per hour, that is increased by one percentage point per year. Example of network marketing: If you register the person who will spend as much efforts on the business as you do, then taken in time spent efforts will be doubled, and the result is to increase by "X" percent, where X is calculated according to the company's marketing plan.

For example, if you company Network Marketing pays 10% of sales person you have registered, your time increases in the cost of just ten per cent. Bad reputation, created by people working in network marketing. Hitters do not like. Upon recommendation of the ordinary person is or unkempt woman with shopping bags, a poorly dressed man with a bag of. Oh, and they are very persuasive, as best as they move to the other side of the road. And the money of normal networkers do not earn.

It is quite common vision often goes almost any proposal to become a distributor of network marketing: "What, I have to also walk with their bags and intrude on people?". The answer to this question: "If you want them, but smart people do not work." We need to do sales people do not want to sell – this is due to the reluctance or refusal to get too greedy look. Implementation of sales – is integral part of life. People sell themselves when they dress up on a first date, when the get a job when the apartment clean and cook a tasty before the arrival of guests. Man wants to be better than it is in fact actually, it's built into us by nature, so it's best to learn sales, than to do it somehow and sometime. Large flow of negativity directed at the person. What is the reason I mentioned above. It's not every stand. This is one of the main reason for the failure of many people. Small start-up capital or non-existent if we compare with the discovery of even the smallest booth, the entrance into this business kopek, in many companies rather symbolic. Naturally, in the small articles are ignored, so just list a few: Education in an unlimited number of location types of earnings may be used as an additional revenue income in the network Marketing Unlimited This business is inherited Using a network marketing as a way to meet interesting people (expansion of the friends)