Having identified the main contenders for the development and expansion, one can not ignore one fact: they are all in varying degrees, require special transport and storage conditions raw materials for its activities and the final product. Aha! Touched on the patient logistics and warehouse theme. Not for nothing touched – it is not plowed field for cost optimization. How much do you spend on logistics and warehouse? Analysis of the structure logistics costs the average company in the industrialized countries, has identified about a balance of: transportation – 60%, storage and maintenance of stocks – 34%, administration and management Logistics – 6%. In Russia, says business consultant, Dr.
Sc., Teacher MADI Valery Kurganov, the first figure is much higher, respectively, it is necessary to reduce transportation costs, and significantly. Further warehouse. He, like transportation, is part of the supply chain of your company. In some organizations, especially those who are not engaged in transportation of cargo over long distances, the share of the cost of storage can reach 55% (according to research company "Siberian coast"). On the administrative apparatus and can not speak, every growing company, sooner or later faces the problem of optimizing the management logistics and warehouse operations. On the topic of regulation of labor management solutions in the warehouse has written many books and theses are protected, not to mention other subjects affected us today. Of course, you as the leader your company, you can read the whole thing and draw your own conclusions, but not easier to learn from other successful companies in this business? Recently, the European market (yes already, and Russian) Real Estate Hybrids run the show.