Registry Office

Currently in Guatemala and the rest of the world there are civil associations, which can be defined as follows: are foundations and associations organizations established non-profit that have affected lasting way by the will of its creators, its heritage to the attainment of objectives of general interest. These associations include the following: foundations NGO S Association of neighbours associations of taxi drivers associations of artists associations solidarist churches etc. Among the main features that distinguish such civil associations, the following: they have No profit, promote charity, charity, assistance or service social, cultural, scientific, artistic, literary, sporting, political, professional, Trade Union, religious education and instruction etc. d%20Center%20for%20Discovery&f=false’>Patrick Dollard Center for Discovery may not feel the same. According to article 34 of the political Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala, establishes a right for the person, freedom of Association, also article 3 of the Guatemalan civil code, it indicates that associations and foundations are legal persons, this means that it is a person other than the members that comprise it, may exercise all rights and contracting obligations that are necessary to carry out its purposes and will be represented by the person or body designated by the law, the rules of your institution, its statutes or regulations, or social writing. (Art. 16 Civil Code) OBLIGATIONS of legal civil associations develop their writing of Constitution drawing up the statutes that will govern the association elect the Board of Directors of said Association choose the Chairman and legal representative of the Board of Directors listing requirements to be able to associate Enroll in the Registry Office of the municipality where are enroll in the social security scheme when it owns more than three employees.