In the same way that we will not find manifestation carnavalesca as that one that exists in Rio De Janeiro, in none another region, even so has carnival in the country all; in some localities the ox parties exist, but that one of Parintins is inconfundvel. Exactly when we speak in well next localities geographically and that they possess practical cultural fellow creatures, them they will be only. Example of this occurs in cities Bueno the Pepper as in Rolim de Moura (RO). In both ' is become fullfilled; ' parties of milho' ' but each one has its particularitities and so on, each locality can be identified by what and because it possesss elements differentiate that it of others. Therefore we can say, with Fonseca (2010, P.
115), that ' ' the Brazilian reality is diverse, plural and complex, with regional differences, varied geographies and social levels, economic and cultural distanciados.' ' But everything this is Brazil, is the national identity that characterizes one ' ' I nacional' ' Then as to understand the particularitities, the specific characteristics of each locality or each ' ' I cultural' '? Everything this is present in the folclricos elements, manifestations of the popular culture, in the gastronomia, the carried through events. But the society or the culture is not summarized to this. Also they form ' ' I cultural' ' the different social contradictions, the problems and economic relations, the conflicts and alliances politics Ahead of these characteristics ' ' outro' ' it sees these and other manifestations and it knows that this culture is different of its. E, as plus an element of the national culture, the regional differences finish turning ' ' piada' ' , as in Fonseca says to them (2010, P. 115): ' ' travelling for this Brazil, where it wants that it goes, it stops beyond the borders of its region, a miner, a gaucho, a northeastern, or a Bahian comes across with some imaginary constructions that preappraise its identidade' '.