The Best

Best friend, a true friend – it's usually the one who can lay out all their heavy thoughts, who do listen, understand and sympathize with those who will not use the information received and does not hit then in the back (women, incidentally, has always enjoyed, and if they want – they beat with all his might). In the men's and women's friendships are similar – and they both seek comfort in friends and want to be close to such a person to whom it will be possible spill all their problems. Women do this in his manner – right, just and open. Men are built of a forbidding harsh macho, but this looks even funnier. All the friendship – and a male and female – is built on the principle: "I helping you deceive yourself, and you – help me. " Ostriches, helping each other to shove his head in the sand – that's best friends. And where we are not talking about comfort and self-deception, it all comes down to bargaining – "I rescued you, and you then help me out.

" Psychologically, the adult male friends "nothing" The friendship between a man and a woman And finally, the interesting. Theme of friendship between a man and a woman becomes a field of verbal carnage with enviable regularity. All the confusion arises from the use of words that have no clear definitions. Friendship, passion, love, love – where one ends and another begins? Nobody knows it and can not know because the conditional nature of these concepts. Similarly, one can say only one – between men and women to the relationship. When these relationships are built on mutual comfort, there is sung so "clean and shining love" with sex, family, and all other things, which is the same neuroticism, as well as "true friendship". When in a relationship comforted only one, then sex is usually not, and get some sort of asexual friendship.

In the role of man turns out to be more comforted, and why in such a relationship is not sex. Weak man woman simply is not interesting. On the other hand, when there are psychologically adult men and women who do not need a mutual comfort, while between them appear strange relationship, which is very difficult to find some sort of definition. This may be a pure passion, when two bodies simply enjoy each other, or mental and spiritual closeness, when communication occurs on the soil Unity attitude. And when combined with one another, then comes the tale at all – those relationships in which man and woman become companions, fellow travelers, like-minded people in the best sense of those words. And you still friends?