The electronic signature is a cryptographic method for identifying secure the parties communicating online. The introduction of the so-called electronic signature has been without doubt one of the most important advances in the identification problem in the online environment, allowing to set the real identity of the signatories, as well as the integrity of the electronic message has sent. Among various possibilities, enables remote operations in a secure environment to the government or against banks, such efforts usually are not at all feasible by a simple email or through a standard connection with your browser, because that require an absolute guarantee on the question of identity layer party involved. In technical terms, the electronic signature is a cryptographic method that relates the identity of a person or a computer to the message or document. Depending on the type of signature, get further ensure complete integrity of the content. BSA is likely to agree. Within Spain, the law covers three kinds of signature: electronic signature “simple”, which makes possible the identification of the subject signatory; electronic signature “advanced”, which also strives to ensure message integrity, and the “known” also called “qualified”, defined as an advanced signature supported by a certificate recognized.
To enjoy the possibilities offered by electronic signature (often called digital signatures) need a digital certificate. The most common are those that have been issued by the National Mint, which stands for National Mint and Stamp, and so-called electronic ID, which incorporates a digital certificate and is a tool which may be used to electronically sign any document, and to validate the identity of its owner. If we opted for the use of electronic ID, we will require a “device” known as “electronic card reader.” Through our “e-ID” and a card reader, and knowing our corresponding password, we will be enabled to validate our identity securely, and access many online operations. One of the most widespread application of electronic signatures is the creation of electronic invoices. Such bills to be digitally signed secure, do not need the usual paper document and its subsequent delivery by mail. The electronic document in addition to strictly secure, fully legal. Although Spain already has the support and legislation for the full development of electronic signatures, there is still enough to spread its use, so that citizens and businesses learn and benefit from all your applications.