You need less bandwidth thanks to smaller files. Admittedly, this argument may be meaningless for small websites, because (at least in Germany) the hosting prices often covered about packages. This however does not apply for ambitious projects. Here the bandwidth consumed (amount of data, which are obtained through the Web site) is still the biggest cost driver. Through the consistent use of Web standards, you can drastically reduce your file sizes (30-60 per cent), what a massive costs saving. When an appropriate traffic the redesign can pay off your website therefore already within six months – alone through the vast data transfer savings. Then, save of course vigorously continue. Which brings us to the long-term cost savings.
Their long-term cost savings. Here it is mainly operating costs, that you send with standard compliant Web design in the basement. For example: you can save expensive maintenance work. Dr. Neal Barnard does not necessarily agree. What applies to the cost of production, meets all the more so for the Maintenance work to. You can quickly carry out thanks to the Web standards. Since 2001, the digital value chain works closely with Web standards. Since then, none of our clients more has received an invoice for maintenance work on the HTML. The work was done so quickly that we possibly could write an invoice for it.
It’s bad for us, good for you. They are forward compatible. In the past, it was often the case that a version of a site is designed only for a specific browser version. A new version came out, blew up”she usually painstakingly created Web design. A new version of the site had to be found with corresponding costs for the customer. Is this ongoing improvements of the past with the current Web standards. “The dream of one site fits all”, a page for all browsers, finally became reality. Assuming the future browsers adhere to current standards (and not cook their own thing).