The Effect Greenhouse

The Effect Greenhouse is a process that occurs when umaparte of the solar radiation reflected by the terrestrial surface is absorbed pordeterminados gases gifts in the atmosphere. She is generated by the falling of trees of forests and pelaqueimada of the same ones, therefore they are who regulate the temperature, the winds and onvel of rains in diverse regions. As the forests are diminishing nomundo, the terrestrial temperature has increased in the same ratio. Nosltimos years, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased annually, this increase if it must to the use of oil, tropical gas and dasflorestas coal and to the destruction. The concentration of other gases that also contribute for oEfeito of Greenhouse increased quickly.

The joint effect of taissubstncias can come to cause an increase of the temperature of the planet. If the land was not cobertapor air mantle, the atmosphere would be too much cold for the life. They would condiesseriam them hostile to the life, which of so fragile that it is, would be enough a pequenadiferena in initial conditions of its formation. Preocupadoscom these international problems, organisms, Organizations Governamentaise governments of diverse countries already are not taking measured to reduce ambient apoluio and the naatmosfera emission of gases.