Brazilian States

The crown – mural golden, above of the blazon is an item used in the Brazilian heraldry, as convention for the capitals of the Brazilian States. Some capitals adopt the same part. But it is important to remember that a standard does not exist, or an only style. It is necessary to only possess five towers, in which each tower has a door filled in the black color, and yellow-dark the golden color or for its reproduction. In the superior and central part of the shield we find one old symbol, that corresponds to a blazon model that Teresina adopted that it was exactly the shield of weapons of the family Hail. Thus remembering, the founder of the city of Teresina, the Doctor Jose Antonio Hail.

In heraldry, it is rule not to eliminate old symbols, the same it must remain in complete or the estilizados ones. was exactly this that happened in the elaboration of the blazon, the symbol remained integrally. The anchors remember in the Blazon that the foundation of Teresina, must it the fact of the navigability of the rivers Parnaba and Poti, with the transference of the population of the Old Village of the Poti for the place where if it raised the city of Teresina. In the inferior part of the shield, it exists a blue area and some silver-plated traces that the river Parnaiba represents, in which in its edges was established the current city of Teresina. In the exterior ornaments we remos, of black color crossed remember them the fluvial, only navigation of transport half of that they at the time made use the populations of the province of the foundation of Teresina; Below we remos of them exists a red band that possesss the Teresina name, in silver-plated letters and the date ' ' 16.08.1852' ' , that Each color in the blazon is exactly the day of the foundation of Teresina represents something.