In the last year 100milhes of tons of grains they had been used for biocombustveis, with subsidies in some pases.' ' ' ' The financial speculation in Stock markets of futures markets, where agriculturists are defined the prices of commodities. Deep the speculative ones exist, but they are profiting from the chance. If it did not have this chance, deep the speculative ones would not earn what they are having agora.' ' We know that the increase of foods does not have an only cause, however, exactly with ' ' fumaa' ' that ' ' embaa' ' the scene of the crisis, we enxergamos that the same one does not consist of the lack of food in itself. The FAO in them points ' ' culpados' ' of the crisis. The climatic changes only, the point of the alimentary crisis to be of a world-wide scale would not be capable to deplete the world-wide food supply. The Insumos agricultural, in fact had had significant increase, about 50%, as ' ' reflexo' ' of the power technician of the current geopolitics, that concentrates in the hand of companies techniques and resources, that in contrast of what it expected with the stroke of a bell Green revolution of the decade of 60, as we see, does not come much less contributing in fact with the crisis with the Hunger. The increase of the food consumption if justifies in data, really bigger number of people, mainly Chinese and Indian they are if feeding better, however the number of hungry in the world still they are 860 million, and such component not if it justifies when in the other hemisphere, the fight of the populations that live there is against the cholesterol and the worse obesidade and, they use food as generating source of biocombustvel, as the case of the maize in U.S.A., beyond great part of the world-wide production of grains to be destined to the ration animal.