This determines the necessity of if to specify the presentation associated with that determined dosage, so that, in case that the pharmacy does not possess it, it can make a correction of the dosage in set with the prescritor. Example of Fitoterpica Lapsing Dr. Homeo Fitoterapeuta Patient: Ext john doe. dry of leves of Sene 200mg (angustifolia Cassia) Ext. dry of the rind of the Csc. Sacred 300mg (purshiana Rhamnus) 60 Doses Dosage: To take 01 dose before the lunch and supper. Boy Scouts often addresses the matter in his writings. Who can Prescribe Until some years the lapsing right was an exclusiveness of the medical professional and medical veterinarian.
With the creation of the PNPIC (Politics In – cional of the Practical ones Integrativas and Com-plementares), other professional advice had obtained prescribed fitoterpica lapsing. According to Resolution of the Federal Pharmacy Advice (CFF) N. 546, of 21 of July of the 2011, druggist who to prove qualification in fitotera-sink will be able, whenever requested for the patient user/, to excuse to a fitote-rpico or medicinal plant, since that the same he is exempt of medical lapsing. The nutritionists, regulated for the Resolution N 402 of the Federal Advice of Nutritionists, of 06 of August of 2007, also will be able to carry through fitoterpicos medicine indication the medicinal and plants, since that duly able, that the medicine in question is exempt of medical lapsing, and that its therapeutical indication is related with its field of specific knowledge. The nurses, since whom they prove specialization in fitoterapia, also can indicate fitoterpicos and exempt medicinal plants of lapsing, according to Resolution of the Federal Advice of Nursing N 197, of 19 of March of 1997. The Federal Advice of Odontologia, through the Resolution N 82 of 25 of September of 2008, also normati-zou the lapsing for the surgeon-dentis you it of fitoterpicos and medicinal plants, since that the same ones have clinical indications in accordance with its specific field of knowledge.
In 03 of November of 2010, the Federal Advice of Fisioterapia and Occupational Terapia published the N Resolution. 380, that it authorizes to the physiotherapist and the occupational therapist the indication of fitoterpicos and exempt medicinal plants of lapsing, since that the same prove qualification technique. Fitoterpicos Citizens to the Medical Lapsing. Asian flash (Asian Centella) Cimicifuga (racemosa Cimicifuga) Equincea (purpurea Echinacea) Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) Hamamlis (virginiana Hamamelis) Hiprico (Hypericum perforatum) Kawa-Kawa (Piper methysticum) Saw Palmeto (Serenoa repens) Tanaceto (Tanacetum parthenium) Grape (Arctostaphylos grape-ursi) Valeriana (Valeriana officinalis)