To generate no endless spiral of treatment, close cooperation is required by patient, dentist, dental laboratory and qualified professionals for targeted stress relief. Despite the best preparation of the denture, perfect adaptation in the mouth and best reconstruction of broken teeth, they will suffer from the enormous effect of the tooth presses. A continuous treatment impacted not only the patient, therefore should be integrated from the outset worked against the gnashing of teeth. The help of the dentist is destroyed by the stress-related and mostly unconscious jaw movements. The dental technician can find no solution for the clenching as soon as any psychological treatments with Act.
The patient can feel how by the time crunch, its tooth structure increasingly breaks down. Specialists inform bruxism”(gnashing of teeth) understanding of bruxism are gathered by many professionals in the dental sector. They came on the results that the so-called teeth grinding disease”is a constant challenge for the prosthetic treatment. Even perfectly made Restorations can be destroyed by it. Also the systematic search proves after a guilty not always easy. But what was found out, is that in the bedroom or in certain everyday situations Bruxismuspatienten occupy different mandibular positions, which turns nervous and mentally energized. How to Zahneknirschern”? The procedure for treating bruxism requires not only a treatment at the dentist, but an essential comprehensive treatment outside of dentistry. The gnashing of teeth for each patient an entire issue comprehensive health that as he is under enormous pressure, should be clear to him and he should play an active role in the stress reduction with qualified support.
The recognition that a tooth replacement or restoration of dental health only long term holds, as soon as is, intensively worked and also used very important. A mouthpiece, also occlusion rail, in addition important called is for the Special tooth preservation wear. Because the teeth gnashing the teeth of the patient be destroyed over and over again, a long-lasting duration of treatment at the dentist is necessary. A team of volunteers and doctors, the patient receives his inner health, and certainly his dental health again. So the perfect composition for optimum tooth replacement is created through the cooperation of all partners of the team. We help you grind teeth Zahneknirschern or have Temporomandibular joint pain? We advise and assist you. Our contact details are: Mr. Dr. d.s. Dr. med. Dent. Rabih Nahas, MSc dentist and specialist for Oralchirugie Martini road 31 28195 Bremen phone: 0421-328325 fax: 0421-328326 e-Mail: Internet: